The European Commission welcomes the European Parliament’s decision to adopt the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) – ‘Global Europe’ for the period 2021-2027. This is the final step of the adoption process following the negotiations between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission. With this decision, the EU will be able to use €79.5 billion in current prices to foster global recovery over the next seven years. This envelope will be used for international partnerships on sustainable development, climate change, democracy, governance, human rights, peace and security in our neighbouring countries and beyond.
With an overall allocation of €79.5 billion in current prices, the new instrument will cover the EU cooperation with third countries. The total allocation will be divided as follows:
- €60.38 billion for geographic programmes (at least €19.32 billion for the Neighbourhood, at least €29.18 billion for Sub-Saharan Africa, €8.48 billion for Asia and the Pacific, and for the Americas and the Caribbean €3.39 billion);
- €6.36 billion for thematic programmes (Human Rights and Democracy, Civil Society Organisations, Peace, Stability and Peace Conflict Prevention and Global Challenges);
- €3.18 billion for rapid response actions.
- As a first step, Commission services, together with the European External Action Service (EEAS), work on the EU medium-long term planning for each country, region and thematic programme, called “programming”. The programming of NDICI-Global Europe was launched in November 2020 and it should be completed by the end of this year with the adoption by the Commission of geographic and thematic multi-annual indicative programming documents. After discussing with partner countries, civil society, EU Member States, other donors and concerned stakeholders, the Commission and the EEAS establish the basis for future EU interventions in the medium-long term. It notably sets the priority areas, specific objectives, expected results and indicative allocations for EU actions at country, regional and thematic level.
- A second step will identify and formulate specific interventions in a given country/region (geographic programmes) or theme (thematic programmes) on an annual basis, and adopt financing decisions accordingly.