Brussels, 04 September 2023
On Friday 1 September, Cyprus submitted a request to the Commission to amend its national recovery and resilience plan, to which it also wishes to add capital for REPowerEU. The proposed Cyprus chapter for REPowerEU covers measures related to energy efficiency of buildings, electrification of transport and research and development in the field of green transition. It includes two new reforms and two new investments to achieve the REPowerEU objectives, as well as five existing measures being scaled up. Cyprus’ proposed amendment to the plan also provides for the removal of seven investments from the original plan, one of which is transferred to the -financed part of loan the plan, as well as the modification of approximately 50 planned measures. Cyprus’ request to amend its plan is based on the need to factor in high inflation in 2022, supply chain disruptions and a downward revision of the maximum grant allocation of the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism (RMF) from €1.01 billion to €0.92 billion – review Further details in the Greek text and to the Q&A. (For further details: Veerle Nuyts — Τel: + 32 2 299 63 02· Tommaso Alberini — Τel: + 32 2 295 7010) The European Commission is committed to personal data protection. Any personal data is processed in line with Regulation (EC) 2018/1725. All personal information processed by the Directorate-General for Communication / European Commission Representations is treated accordingly. If you do not work for a media organisation, you are welcome to contact the EU through Europe Direct in writing or by calling 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11. Athanasios ATHANASIOU Press Officer / Political Reporter