Selection results for the Erasmus+ Sport projects recommended for funding are now available.
Selection results for the Erasmus+ Sport projects recommended for funding are now available.
All applicants have been individually notified with the results of the selection process. With a total available budget of more than EUR 59 million, 320 proposals have been recommended for funding: 113 Cooperation partnerships, 180 Small-scale partnerships, 22 European sport events (including 2 large scale events) and 5 Capacity building in the field of sport.
Note that this list does not represent any commitment for funding on the part of the EACEA and could not constitute a ground to claim any expectations concerning the signature of a grant agreement. The final decision on these proposals is subject to the completion of the grant award procedure in line with the timeline indicated in the call for proposals. EACEA may, until such time as the agreement is signed, either abandon or cancel the procedure without this entitling the applicants on this list to any compensation.
Selection results in the following link: