The purpose of the 2nd Open Call is to validate, test, and/or incorporate enablers coming out of Horizon Europe SNS JU Stream B thematises. Out of these thematises, in particular proposals on the topics and subtopics in the following AREAS (and 6G-XR Infrastructures) are requested:
Out of these thematises, in particular proposals on the topics and subtopics in the following AREAS (and 6G-XR Infrastructures) are requested:
Reflective intelligent surfaces
150 GHz Reflective Intelligent Surface (RIS) [Node: North; RI: UOULU 5GTN; Mentors: IMEC, UOULU]
Deterministic communications
Implementation and verification of wireless deterministic communication links on 3D digital twin use case [Node: North; RI: UOULU 5GTN; Mentor: UOULU] b. Deterministic networking [Node: South or North; RI: 5GBarcelona or UOULU 5GTN; Mentor: i2CAT, UOULU]
Energy measurement
Sustainability enablers for energy measurement and optimisation solutions [Node: North; RI: UOULU 5GTN or VTT 5GTN; Mentors: UOULU, VTT] b. Monitoring of energy consumption of VNFs for Multimedia Streaming [Node: South or North; RI: 5GBarcelona or VTT 5GTN; Mentors: VICOM, VTT]
AI/ML for slicing
AI/ML algorithm for efficient resource optimization in the 5G slicing techniques [Node: North; RI: UOULU 5GTN; Mentor: UOULU]
Load balancing
Mechanisms for load-balancing and service migration to enable Device/Edge/Cloud continuum [Node: South; RI: 5TONIC; Mentors: VICOM, CGE] b. Mobility Load Balancing on ORAN campus network [Node: South; RI: 5GBarcelona; Mentor: i2CAT]
Security and trust mechanisms
Multi-stakeholders security and trust mechanisms for Edge North Bound interfaces [Node: South; RI: 5TONIC or 5GBarcelona; Mentor: CGE] b. Confidential computing environments for end-to-end energy efficiency [Node: North; RI: VTT 5GTN; Mentor: VTT]
Increased capacity
6G channels [Node: South; RI: 5GBarcelona; Mentor: i2CAT]
All approved projects performed during this Open Call must be made available to other experimenters during the rest of the 6G-XR project duration. In order to ensure that a balance of the Open Call topics is kept and the widest impact of Open Call enablers is reached a maximum of three proposals will be funded under any given (sub)topic above.
The maximum amount that can be requested per project is €60.000.
The proposal is submitted by a legal entity established and based in one of the EU Member States or a Horizon Europe Associated country. The targeted organisations in this Call are (i) SMEs; (ii) Industry; (iii) Research/scientific organisation; (iv) Academia.
The proposal is submitted by a single party. The submission of proposals by consortia is not eligible.
The proposer cannot be affiliated to any of the consortium partners of the 6gxr project.
Proposals need to come from the European Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) Stream B thematises. Proposals are required to justify their linkage to Stream B thematises, and proposals coming directly from Stream B projects are required to ensure the proposed work is not already covered by the existing Stream B project, but it is in fact novel.
The proposal complies with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation) regarding all personal data that might be included in the proposal.
The proposers are encouraged to contact the, in order to check the feasibility of the proposal before submission.