4th Reinforcing Open Call (Booster Call) on “Responsible Digitalisation”


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

Funding under projects

Programme Description

Funding provided under previews programmes.

Programme Details

Identifier Code

4th Reinforcing Open Call (Booster Call)


4th Reinforcing Open Call (Booster Call) on “Responsible Digitalisation”


REINFORCING supports organizations and institutions in Europe to transition to a new paradigm where responsibility and openness drive research and innovation (R&I) processes. The green and digital transitions have become of paramount importance to address the societal challenges that European societies currently face. The twin transition will bring enormous benefits but also non-desired externalities and implications. In this regard, EU institutions and territories need to shift to more open and transparent R&I practices in which all actors share responsibility to develop services and products that are acceptable, sustainable and bring social satisfaction. The Open and Responsible Research and Innovation (ORRI) approach promotes collaborative efforts, sharing research outputs as early as possible for engaging citizens in co-creation processes and opening R&I to the whole society.

Detailed Call Description

 The REINFORCING platform is the entry point to knowledge, training, ORRI skills matchmaking and capacity building for organisations interested in starting or continuing their journey to creating an inclusive R&I ecosystem.

This call is aimed at supporting applicants with proven experience in ORRI practices who would like to strengthen and institutionalise their ORRI approach (ORRI Booster Open Calls). Proposals can be centred around new ideas or initiatives or can complement existing or emerging projects in order to advance ORRI principles in the context of “Responsible digitalisation”.

Four specific challenges to be addressed have been identified under this ORRI Booster call:

  • Public engagement around digital technologies: Many digital technologies work as “black boxes” and many citizens are completely blind about their inner workings.
  • Privacy, transparency and trust in digitalisation processes: The deployment of digital technologies such as Artificial Intelligence or Internet of Things raises several issues around the preservation of these human values in different contexts.
  • Digital literacy and digital divides: The rapid advancement of digital technologies also creates divides in the population regarding access, knowledge and mastering of these technologies.
  • Misinformation and manipulation: Digital technologies have created new and powerful vehicles for old problems around communication and public debate. They also have raised serious threats for modern western democracies.

Applicants may apply for one or more of the listed challenges or address other specific topics for which they have identified a gap in the context of “Responsible Digitalisation” and justify the selection in the application process.

Some examples of specific activities that can be addressed are included below. Please note that the list is non-exhaustive:

  • Training and capacity building on public engagement around digital technologies and its implications.
  • Design and implementation of co-creation processes to develop digital solutions and services in the context of “Responsible Digitalisation”.
  • Future scenario or visioning workshops with different stakeholders, including citizens, that address potential ethical, legal and social implications of the deployment of digital technologies into particular contexts.
  • Design and execution of engagement strategies in digital transformation processes and/or policies into particular contexts, which are accessible and inclusive, fostering an environment where all voices are heard and valued.

Please note that REINFORCING doesn’t fund:

  • Activities related to technological developments and/or proof of concepts, while could support co-creation and/or visioning workshops linked to those activities.
  • Activities of any kind in which artificial intelligence-based systems or techniques are used or developed.

Online Session with information is expected to take place on the following date:

  • 12 December 2024, 17h00 (Brussesl time). The subscription link here.

Call Total Budget


Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan

The maximum amount of financial support for each project is €20.000.

For this ORRI Booster call, not more than 14 organisations/consortia implementing projects lasting 8 months (set duration that can’t be changed) will be supported with grants of up to €20.000 each.

Please also note that all the funded projects will start all together on 1st of May 2025 and end on 31th of December 2025.
No change in these dates can be negotiated.

Thematic Categories

  • Education and training
  • New Entrepreneurship
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation
  • Small-Medium Enterprises and Competitiveness

Eligibility for Participation

  • Associations
  • Educational Institutions
  • Legal Entities
  • NGOs
  • Other Beneficiaries
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions
  • Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Eligibility For Participation Notes

Proposals will be considered eligible and enter the evaluation phase if each and all following conditions are met:

  • Applicants must be established in an EU country (Member State or associated country), including their outermost regions or associated countries eligible to receive HEU grants, provided that the applicants are not covered by the Council sanctions in force.
  • Applicants must be legal entities such as, but not limited to, Civil Society Organisations (CSO), Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO), Higher Education Institutions, Research Centres and Small and Medium Enterprises (SME).
  • Applicants must declare their financial stability.
  • Applicants shall not have any potential conflicts of interest with the REINFORCING consortium or any of its partners (notably they should not have legal relationship with any organization that is a member of the REINFORCING consortium, including affiliated entities).

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


EU Contact Point

If you have any further questions or concerns about this application process, you can contact the Support Team: grants@reinforcing.eu.