Access and integration of heterogeneous health data for improved healthcare in disease areas of high unmet public health need


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

Innovative Health Initiative

Programme Description

IHI JU is based on the idea that interdisciplinary and cross-sector collaboration will enable perspective and breakthrough innovations in healthcare, including the pharmaceutical industry but also new fields such as biopharmaceuticals, medical technologies and biotechnologies.

Programme Details

Identifier Code



Access and integration of heterogeneous health data for improved healthcare in disease areas of high unmet public health need


This topic aims to provide a scalable platform for the seamless integration or linkage of these diverse data at scale, and develop tools to allow the data to be used in clinical care, patient self-management and research in disease areas of high unmet public health.

Detailed Call Description

For their proposed activities applicants should clearly identify a disease area of high unmet public health need1 taking into account comorbidities and/or functional status, and explain their choice with empirical evidence where possible.

Applicants should also aim to deliver the following:

  • Public release of a set of minimum technical requirements for the developed platform/tools that includes interoperability, connectivity, data protection, cybersecurity and authentication/identification requirements that need to be met to allow the efficient integration of additional data from new devices/sensors/sources into the decision-support system after the project ends.
  • Sustainable, ideally open-source tools that help ensure the quality and FAIRness of data at source (e.g., automated tools to help data entry, semantic coding, and data management in particular in registries and databases maintained by healthcare professionals/providers and research institutions) as well as methodologies, quality standards and metrics to assess data quality.
  • Sustainable tools to increase cross-border and cross-sector interoperability of health data from the diverse sources mentioned above. Ideally, these tools use open exchange formats and take into account relevant EU initiatives including the eHealth Digital Services Infrastructure (eHDSI)2 and the European Electronic Health Record Exchange Format (EEHRxF)
  • Sustainability plan/business model to ensure the long-term impact of the project results.

Call Total Budget


Thematic Categories

  • Health
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation

Eligibility for Participation

  • Large Enterprises
  • Natual person / Citizen / Individual
  • Private Bodies
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions
  • Semi-governmental organisations
  • State-owned Enterprises

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


EU Contact Point

All questions regarding JU JU invitations should be directed to