Bilateral Collaborations – BILATERAL/GREECE/1124


Programme Category

Co-Financed Programmes

Programme Name

THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds

Programme Description

THALIA: Foundations of Change, Prosperity, Equality and Development

Programme “THALIA 2021-2027” constitutes a multi-annual, multi-fund development Programme that was drawn up in accordance to the Article 22 of the Regulation (EU) 2021/1060 (Common Provisions Regulation – CPR), outlining the development strategy for the utilisation of the resources allocated to Cyprus through the Cohesion Policy Funds, for the period 2021-2027.

The total budget of the Programme amounts to €1.81 billion, of which €968 million comes from the EU Cohesion Policy Funds, while the remaining €842 million is the national contribution.

Programme Details

Identifier Code



Bilateral Collaborations – BILATERAL/GREECE/1124


The “Bilateral Collaborations” Programme aims at developing collaborations and networking of Cypriot organisations with organisations of a specific collaboration country through the implementation of joint research Projects in selected thematic areas of interest to both parts.

Specific targets and objectives:

  • The development of collaborations between Cypriot organisations and leading European and/or international organisations.
  • Expansion of the role and upgrade of existing bilateral agreements.
  • The development of new bilateral agreements with countries of specific interest.
  • Activation of general agreements – cooperation frameworks in matters of research and technological development through the promotion of joint programmes.
  • Promotion of the participation of Cypriot organisations in international RTDI programmes.

The Cyprus – Greece joint Call for Proposals aims to promote and support collaboration between Greek and Cypriot scientists. The Funding Agency on the Greek side is the General Secretariat for Research and Innovation.

Detailed Call Description

The starting point for the “Bilateral Collaborations” Programme is the Bilateral Agreements or Cooperation Protocols signed by the Cypriot Government and the Government of another country. Usually, one of their fundamental provisions is the launch of a Joint Collaboration Programme in the areas of Research and Innovation which allows interested organisations from the two countries to submit proposals for the implementation of joint projects in selected thematic areas that reflect the common interests of the two parts.

The Research and Innovation Foundation for Cyprus, and another organisation/agency from the other country undertake the responsibility for implementing the provisions set by each Agreement or Cooperation Protocol.

In the frame of the Programme, it is expected that the supported projects apart from networking activities will also include research activities that serve the Priority Sectors of the S3Cy, including the H. Therefore, although it is possible to specify Thematic Areas within a Call for Proposals according to the provisions of the Agreement between the two countries, it should be in the frame that has emerged through the S3Cy.

Usually, in each Call for Proposals in the frame of the “Bilateral Collaborations” Programme, different evaluation, selection, funding and monitoring procedures may apply, depending on the provisions of the Agreement between the two countries.

The aim of the Cyprus – Greece joint Call for Proposals is to support the development of scientific and technological cooperation between Cypriot and Greek research organisations and enterprises, that employ highly skilled scientific personnel.

As the Programme is part of Pillar I – “Smart Growth”, proposed projects are expected to include activities in one of the following S3Cy Priority Sectors:

Digital Technologies: Development of innovative solutions based on software, IoT, big data analytics, AI and blockchain technologies to addresses social and economic needs in an urban environment in areas such as mobility, energy saving, safety, community, the 15-minutes city, citizens participation etc. Funding of this area explores synergies with the participation in DUT, which offers the opportunity to research teams to tap on high quality research results and practices and apply them to the Cypriot urban environment.


  1. Develop products and services for farming, based on digital and data technologies. The local market for digital applications in farming is small due to the sector’s low absorptive capacity, the small size of the farms, and the fragmentation of the cultivated land. However, despite its small size, the Cypriot market offers opportunities to local producers to test and improve their products before entering the vast and growing international market. The research will focus on developing applications integrating earth observation technologies, big data, IoT, sensors, IA and blockchain technologies for developing applications and services (TRL 5 to 8):
    1. for monitoring, protection and management of farms and aquafarms
    2. for farm-to-fork applications such as tracing production origin and labelling of products, development of innovative, cost-effective and resource-efficient blockchain-based approaches to increase the traceability of agricultural products
    3. for smart irrigation systems, precision agriculture and water management applications
  2. Effects of climate change on the agrifood ecosystem and quantification of impacts on resource availability for sufficient production, food quality and safety.
  3. Develop mitigation strategies.

Maritime and Shipping Ecosystems: Development of decarbonisation of ships services such as optimisation of energy sources.

Renewable energy: Innovations for energy efficiency in existing urban structures and exploitation of synergies with the DUT partnership.


  1. Use AI and big data, IoT, innovative diagnostic imaging approaches, VR/AR, HPC and blockchain technologies to develop products and services for health management, telemedicine, tele-examination, simulations and digitally assisted independent living.
  2. Molecular diagnosis and development of specialised pharmaceuticals.
  3. Development of innovative materials, cosmeceuticals και nutraceuticals.
  4. Development of medical equipment and devices.

Project Type: Grant Scheme

Geographical area covered by the call: Cyprus


Call Total Budget


Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan


Maximum funding per project: €100.000

Thematic Categories

  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation

Eligibility for Participation

  • Businesses
  • Central Government
  • Chambers
  • Educational Institutions
  • Legal Entities under Public Law
  • Other Beneficiaries
  • Private Bodies
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions
  • Semi-governmental organisations
  • Trade Unions

Eligibility For Participation Notes

BENEFICIARIES: Research Organisations, Enterprises, Other Organisations

The Cyprus Consortium should include at least one Enterprise (B1, B1.2, B3) and one Research Organisation (A.1, A.2) or other organisations (C1 – Private Universities ONLY).

The Host Organisation (HO) for the Cyprus Consortium can be a Research Organisation (Cat. A.1, A.2) or an Enterprise (Cat. B1, B.2, B.3) or Other Organisations (Cat. C.1, C.2).

Research Organisations (A.1, A.2), Enterprises (B.1, B.2, B.3) or Other Organisations (C.1, C.2) may participate as additional Partner Organisations in the Cypriot Consortium.

At least 40% of the project budget of the Cypriot Consortium must be allocated to Enterprises (Type B) that participate in the Consortium.

The Bilateral Consortium, in addition to the Cypriot participants, must include at least one Research Organisation/academic institution and one enterprise from Greece. It is noted that the Bilateral Consortium, which will be composed of Greek and Cypriot entities, it must consist of legal entities, independent of one another, none of them being under the direct or indirect control of the other or under the same direct or indirect control.

Participation of Large Enterprises (including Private Universities) is only permitted when an SME is also participating in the Cypriot Consortium, in accordance with EU Regulation 2021/1058 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the ERDF and the Cohesion Fund.

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


National Contact Point(s)

Research and Innovation Foundation
RIF Support Service

Τelephone: +357 22205000

General Secretariat for Research and Innovation

Τelephone: +801 1136300

EU Contact Point

European Regional Development Fund
