BIM-based processes and digital twins for facilitating and optimising circular energy renovation (Built4People Partnership)


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

Horizon Europe (2021-2027)

Programme Description

Horizon Europe is the European Union (EU) funding programme for the period 2021 – 2027, which targets the sectors of research and innovation. The programme’s budget is around € 95.5 billion, of which € 5.4 billion is from NextGenerationEU to stimulate recovery and strengthen the EU’s resilience in the future, and € 4.5 billion is additional aid.

Programme Details

Identifier Code



BIM-based processes and digital twins for facilitating and optimising circular energy renovation (Built4People Partnership)


This topic is focused on the improvement of Building Information Modelling and Digital Twinning over the full life cycle of buildings, including construction and renovation of buildings, towards enhanced energy efficiency and sustainability and in compliance with circular economy and resource efficiency principles.

Detailed Call Description

Proposals are expected to address all of the following:

  • Develop and integrate solutions based on BIM and Digital Twins to support the whole buildings life cycle from design to deconstruction and reuse, including operation.
  • Ensure the solutions developed address all the following aspects:
    • Supporting optimal, adaptable and reversible building design for energy efficiency, circularity and sustainability.
    • Allowing to track buildings materials and construction products, and supporting cost-effective deconstruction and reuse, recycling and recovery of building materials at end of life.
    • Integrating buildings monitoring data (e.g. from sensors and IoT devices) into an interoperable Digital Twin for automated, optimised building performance monitoring and management, and preventive maintenance.
    • Enabling buildings data interoperability, quality and integrity across the life cycle, in particular to reliably assess and track building performance over the lifecycle, enabling tailored data access for all life cycle’s stakeholders (architects, engineering companies, contractors, building owners, financing institutions, etc.).
    • Relying where possible on open BIM standards and linking, where relevant, to digital logbooks and relevant initiatives (e.g. the Smart Readiness Indicator under the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive).
    • Easiness of use and cost effectiveness, in particular for SMEs and companies with limited experience in digital solutions, and high potential for replication and commercialisation.
  • Apply the solutions delivered on a set (at least two) of real-life residential and non-residential building construction and renovation projects which, taken together, allow to demonstrate the potential of the solutions across all aspects listed in the topic and across the life cycle.
  • Ensure that the demonstrations of the solutions delivered:
    • Cover at least two different countries, with diverse climatic conditions.
    • Involve local and regional values chains, in particular SMEs, based on participatory approaches to increase innovation acceptability.
    • Result in clear and, where relevant, quantified and measurable indicators on the improvements due to the use of the solutions, for all aspects listed in the topic and across the life cycle.
  • Contribute to the activities of the Built4People partners and to the Built4People network of innovation clusters.

Call Total Budget

€8.00 million

Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan


Expected EU contribution per project: €4.00 million

Thematic Categories

  • Energy
  • Environment and Climate Change
  • Other Services
  • Public Administration
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation
  • Small-Medium Enterprises and Competitiveness
  • Urban Development

Eligibility for Participation

  • Businesses
  • Other Beneficiaries
  • Private Bodies
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions
  • Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
  • State-owned Enterprises

Eligibility For Participation Notes

Enabling buildings data interoperability, quality and integrity across the life cycle, in particular to reliably assess and track building performance over the lifecycle, enabling tailored data access for all life cycle’s stakeholders (architects, engineering companies, contractors, building owners, financing institutions, etc.).

Easiness of use and cost effectiveness, in particular for SMEs and companies with limited experience in digital solutions, and high potential for replication and commercialisation.

If projects use satellite-based earth observation, positioning, navigation and/or related timing data and services, beneficiaries must make use of Copernicus and/or Galileo/EGNOS (other data and services may additionally be used).

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


National Contact Point(s)

Research and Innovation Foundation
 29a Andrea Michalakopoulou, 1075 Nicosia, P.B. 23422, 1683 Nicosia
Telephone: +357 22205000
Fax: +357 22205001

Persons to Contact:

Mr. Christakis Theocharous
Scientific Officer A’

Mr. George Christou
Scientific Officer