Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking (EU-Rail) aims to deliver, via an integrated system approach, a high-capacity, flexible, multimodal, sustainable, reliable and integrated EU railway network for European passengers and cargo.
It is expected that in many of the workflows there will be large amounts of data results as outputs from the train/bridge dynamic calculations. Therefore, the development of optimal methods for easier visualization of these data and also for the effective identification of important behaviors and critical cases is expected.
Investigations to formulate a European dynamic interface between railway bridges and rolling stock are needed. New methods must be further developed with a particular focus on the interface with existing infrastructure.
The project stemming from this topic shall address all the following workstreams, which can be merged as needed and for efficiency by the applicants in their project proposal work-structure but their content should be addressed in full, including all the specific requirements described in the technical note “ERA technical note on work needed for closing TSI open point on Bridge dynamic”
The starting date of grants awarded under this topic may be as of the submission date of the application. Applicants must justify the need for a retroactive starting date in their application. Costs incurred from the starting date of the action may be considered eligible.
Applicants shall ensure that their proposals and consortium reflect the aggregated expertise to perform the activities and achieve the objectives set by the topic. Scientific skills from academia and research centres are expected to be needed, as well as the gathering of the knowledge from Infrastructure Managers that should provide the needed access to real data of bridge/viaduct assets (to obtain info about its features, characteristics, geometry, materials and condition).
Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking
Address: Avenue de la Toison d’Or 56-60/Gulden-Vlieslaan 56-60, 1060 Brussels, Belgium