Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking (EU-Rail) aims to deliver, via an integrated system approach, a high-capacity, flexible, multimodal, sustainable, reliable and integrated EU railway network for European passengers and cargo.
With this Research and Innovation Action, the Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking intends building a rail research and innovation “community” (cooperation/network/alliance) of scientific research entities (cooperation/network) in order:
The PhD researchers are expected regularly to liaise with the Europe’s Rail JU and to present their research findings to the Europe’s Rail JU events and submit scientific papers to relevant conferences (e.g. TRA, WCRR, etc. but also non-rail related). The Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking expects to finance successful proposals from universities or similar high-level institutes covering each at least one PhD student in the following areas or additional areas to be proposed, always in relation to the EU-Rail Programme:
PhD Topic 1 – Aerodynamics and aeroacoustics
This topic aims to provide innovative and breakthrough concepts from a non-linear approach to the state of the art of research in the field and the analysis and implementation of those into the railway sector.
Proposals addressing this PhD topic should contribute through research activities to one or more of the following non exhaustive list:
PhD Topic 2 – Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
This topic aims to challenge the traditional rail approach with innovative and breakthrough concepts from a non-linear approach to the state of the art of research in the field and the analysis on the transferability and implementation of those into the railway sector.
Proposals addressing this PhD topic should contribute through research activities to one or more of the following non exhaustive list:
PhD Topic 3 – Material science
This topic aims to challenge the traditional rail approach with innovative and breakthrough concepts, from a non-linear approach to the state of the art of research in the field.
Proposals addressing this PhD topic should contribute through research activities to one or more of the following non exhaustive list:
PhD Topic 4 – Power electronics
This topic aims to challenge the traditional railway approach to power electronic devices for propulsion systems (traction motors, traction converters, and traction transformers) and auxiliary power supply systems (performance, reliability and enhanced functionality with IT) within the railways.
Proposals addressing this PhD topic should contribute through research activities to one or more of the following non exhaustive list:
PhD Topic 5 – Social media strategies for Railways
Social media can support the rail sector to better gain knowledge on customers’ needs and feedback as well as communicate its advantages and positive impact on society.
Proposals addressing this PhD topic shall develop a strategy in the social media to increase the perception of railway contribution to healthy and sustainable society as well as user acceptance. Proposals addressing this PhD topic should contribute to:
PhD Topic 6 – Scouting and connecting national – regional – European rail R&I projects
This topic should complement the Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking Programme (as well as the running projects from the S2R Programme) by exploring and promoting synergies with nation and regional R&I activities. Proposals addressing this PhD topic should provide:
EU-Rail expects proposals to be submitted by consortia that consider PhD researchers/doctorships in the area of works of the topics presented in the Call text. Applicants shall ensure that their proposals and consortium reflect the aggregated expertise to perform the activities and achieve the objectives set by the topic.
The applicants are expected to gather expertise leveraging from the knowledge of Academia and of the rail supply industry, SMEs and start-ups.
Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking
Address: Avenue de la Toison d’Or 56-60/Gulden-Vlieslaan 56-60, 1060 Brussels, Belgium