Call for Pilots within the European data space for smart communities (Submission round 1)


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

Funding under projects

Programme Description

Funding provided under previews programmes.

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Call for Pilots within the European data space for smart communities (Submission round 1)


The European data space for smart communities (DS4SSCC-DEP) action launches three rounds of Calls for Pilots to validate an EU-wide cross-sectorial data space in practice and to advance its development and implementation to support policy priorities of cities and communities within the European Union, including the green-digital transformation based on secure and sovereign data infrastructure. The pilots are set to build on and evolve the governance and technical blueprint established by the cross-sectorial data space preparatory action (DS4SSCC action), which comes out of the joint efforts of the Living-in.EU movement and which represents all local governments in the EU through relevant networks and EU institutions.

Detailed Call Description

The pilots will provide feedback from practice as more firm guidance is put into regulatory instruments, such as requirements for procurement, operation, and reporting, starting from a baseline of high-value datasets to add value by using data from different domains and models. This initiative aims to foster innovation towards a more resilient Europe, supporting local businesses and ecosystems, and emphasising ethical considerations and AI-enabled local solutions, thereby enhancing the conditions for citizens and communities across Europe.

In particular, the Call for Pilots (CfP) aims to attract local or regional public administrations and their partners (e.g., companies, civil society organisations, and academia) to apply with their specific cross-sectoral use cases of data sharing that they intend to implement by using the blueprint developed by the preparatory action for Data Space for Sustainable and Smart Cities and Communities (DS4SSCC).

The pilot consortia must create new data services from the data sharing across at least 2 areas specified below, but can also include other European Green Deal domains:

  • predictive traffic management/sustainable mobility planning, establishing also synergies with the mobility data space and making use of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Indicators, where appropriate;
  • data-services related to weather, climate and extreme weather events to facilitate risk prevention, disaster resilience as well as climate change adaptation;
  • management of energy flows in a city/community specific context and in conjunction with other sectors;
  • zero pollution actions (e.g., air, water, soil pollution or waste);and
  • any other domain falling under the New European Bauhaus initiative (urban design, building management, public services, nature-based solutions, amongst others.

The expected duration of participation is 12-18 months. There will be 3 rounds of open calls occurring every 3 months:

  • 1st submission round: 1 June 2024 – 31 August 2024 (1-2 pilots selected with a maximum duration of 18 months each)
  • 2nd submission round: estimated to open in September 2024 (expected 4-6 pilots selected with a maximum duration of 18 months each)
  • 3rdsubmission round: estimated to open in December 2024 (expected 4 or more selected pilots with a maximum duration of 16 months each)

Call Total Budget

The total EU contribution for the DS4SSCC-DEP pilots is €15.300.000, which is planned to be distributed among 10 - 12 chosen pilot consortiums. On top of that, applicants are expected to bear at least 50% of the pilot's total costs, as the direct co-financing model applies to the CfP.

Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan

Co-financing has to be a dedicated cost as indicated directly in the budget for the pilot and has to be auditable. To be eligible, co-financing cannot include in-kind resources not explicitly monetised in the pilot budget, and all activities must observe relevant regulations, including state-aid rules and risks of double funding.

Each pilot is planned to be funded with €1.000.000 to €1.500.000 by EU contribution to share amongst the consortium members of the pilot. If justified, this can also be less than €1.000.000. The funding should be balanced proportionally amongst the pilot sites, and one partner can receive a maximum of €1.000.000 as grant (this also applies when applying for more than one pilot or in following open call rounds).

Thematic Categories

  • Other Services
  • Other Thematic Category
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation
  • Space

Eligibility for Participation

  • Businesses
  • Educational Institutions
  • NGOs
  • Non Profit Organisations
  • Other Beneficiaries
  • Private Bodies
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions
  • Semi-governmental organisations
  • State-owned Enterprises

Eligibility For Participation Notes

The pilot call is specifically designed for local public administrations in the EU and Digital Europe Programme (DEP) Associated countries and partners working with them (e.g., companies, civil society organisations, academia).

It is preferred that the Lead Partner of the consortium is an EU local administration.

Consortia Eligibility Criteria

  • Eligible consortia must consist of at least 2 local or regional public administrations from different EU member states and/or DEP Associated countries, promoting cross-sectoral collaboration and dealing with the European Green Deal objectives.
  • The local administrations can also involve other eligible parties working with them (e.g., companies, academia, civil society organisations and others).

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


EU Contact Point

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