Funding through CERV programme aims at protecting rights and values enshrined in the EU treaties in order to sustain open, democratic and inclusive societies.
The objective of this call for proposals is to protect, promote and raise awareness of fundamental rights and of EU values by supporting local, regional and/or national civil society organisations and by increasing their capacity.
The aim of this call is to select and support a limited number of intermediaries in EU Member States capable of building the capacities of a large number of CSOs active at local, regional and/or national level in the fields covered by the CERV programme, including through providing them with financial support.
Proposals must include both categories of activities: financial support to third parties (CSOs) by intermediaries and Capacity building for CSOs (by intermediaries). Intermediaries should give priority to small, remote and rural based organisations which tend to have more limited capacity and funding sources. A civil society organisation (CSO) is to be understood as an organisational structure whose members serve the general interest through a democratic process, and which plays the role of mediator between state authorities and citizens. The EU considers CSOs to include all non-State, not-for-profit structures, that are non-partisan and nonviolent, and that promote and protect the fundamental rights and values on which the EU is founded.Proposals should be based on and include a thorough assessment of the CSOs landscape in the country(ies) covered, the challenges they face, the opportunities they can leverage and their needs. The assessment of needs should also be based on a gender analysis and, to the extent possible, on an intersectional approach.
This call has a special focus on the following priorities:
Proposals must include both the following categories of activities:
a) financial support to third parties (CSOs) by intermediaries
b) capacity building for CSOs by intermediaries.
Other relevant and innovative activities may be considered: financial support to third parties (CSOs) by intermediaries. Financial support to third parties includes the following: definition of selection and award criteria, publication of calls for proposals, evaluation of applications, contracting, monitoring of implementation, including risk management, final evaluation of projects and payment.
For more information about the funded activities please visit the call document, section 2, pages 9-16.
Project budgets (maximum grant amount) must range between €2 500 000 and €6 000 000 per project.
In order to be eligible:
a) the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must:
b) the applicant or the consortium must fulfil all of the following:
If the proposal is submitted by a consortium, the consortium must fulfil both conditions listed above. This means that these conditions can be fulfilled either by one single member of the consortium or by different members of that consortium, responsible for capacity building or awarding and managing financial support to third parties.
c) the EU grant applied for cannot be lower than €2 500 000 or higher than €6 000 000.
Consortium composition
Proposals must be submitted by at least 1 applicant (beneficiaries; not affiliated entities).
The applicant or the consortium must fulfil all of the following:
All these conditions can be fulfilled either by 1 single member of the consortium or by different members of that consortium, responsible for capacity building or awarding and managing financial support to third parties.
For help related to this call, please contact: