Call for proposals for EU-USA cooperation on lung cancer


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

EU4Health Programme 2021-2027

Programme Description

The Programme aims to improve and promote health in the Union to reduce the burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases by:

  • protecting people from serious cross-border health threats
  • improving the availability, accessibility and affordability of medicines, medical devices and other crisis-related products in the EU
  • strengthening national health systems
Programme Details

Identifier Code



Call for proposals for EU-USA cooperation on lung cancer


Under the EU-USA collaboration on cancer, two technical working groups have been established, one focusing on paediatric cancer and the other on lung cancer. Each technical working group is progressing in defining a demonstration project, aiming at enhancing the EU-USA cooperation in paediatric and lung cancer domains.

The EU-USA cooperation on lung cancer aims to start a joint cohort modelling, to assess geographical distribution of tobacco prevalence and lung cancer burden, and to assess potential effects of lung cancer screening on mortality, based on different eligibility criteria for screening.

Detailed Call Description

Through the collection of data with a harmonised methodology, the joint demonstration project on lung cancer will contribute to foster a uniform use and interpretation of data across EU and US involved participants on lung cancer screening. Considering the need for more and better data to identify and target higher risk lung cancer profiles, such as heavy smokers/ex-smokers, the aggregated results of the investigation have the objective to contribute in advancing the use and re-use of health data for research and innovation in lung cancer primary and secondary prevention policies.

Specific action-level indicators for reporting purposes:

  • number of meeting minutes of online working group calls or meetings outlining state of play, progress and next steps;
  • number of submitted article based on the project results for publication in scientific outlets or conferences;
  • number of regular technical meetings with Commission staff in the lead up to the meetings with the EU and US leadership;
  • number of meetings with EU and US leadership on progress of the work;
  • number of meeting minutes and conclusions of project final meeting.

Call Total Budget


Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan

The costs will be reimbursed at the funding rate fixed in the Grant Agreement (60%).

You can apply for a higher project funding rate (80%) if your project is of ‘exceptional utility’, i.e. concerns:

  • actions where at least 30% of the budget is allocated to Member States whose GNI per inhabitant is less than 90% of the EU average or
  • actions with bodies from at least 14 Member States and where at least four are from Member States whose GNI per inhabitant is less than 90% of the EU average.

Thematic Categories

  • Education and training
  • Health
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation

Eligibility for Participation

  • Businesses
  • Educational Institutions
  • International Organisations
  • Legal Entities
  • Other Beneficiaries
  • Private Bodies
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions
  • State-owned Enterprises

Eligibility For Participation Notes

In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must:

  • be legal entities (public or private bodies)
  • be established in one of the eligible countries, i.e.:
    • EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories (OCTs)
    • eligible non-EU countries:
      • listed EEA countries and countries associated to the EU4Health Programme (list of participating countries)

Other eligibility conditions:

  • academia and education establishments;
  • research institutes;
  • public health institutes;
  • hospitals;
  • expert networks including ERNs;
  • international organisations.

Consortium composition: Applications may be either by a single applicant or a consortium (no minimum requirement).

Eligible activities: Applications will only be considered eligible if their content corresponds wholly (or at least in part) to the topic description for which they are submitted.

Geographic location (target countries): Proposals must relate to activities taking place in the eligible countries (see above).

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


National Contact Point(s)

Ministry of Health, Department of European Affairs


EU Contact Point

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