Call for Proposals for the «PHD in Industry» Programme


Programme Category

National Grant Schemes

Programme Name

Research & Innovation Foundation Programmes

Programme Description

In this section you may find information on National Schemes published by the Cyprus Research and Innovation Foundation (formerly know as the Research Promotion Foundation – RPF).


Programme Details

Identifier Code



Call for Proposals for the «PHD in Industry» Programme


The “PhD in Industry” Programme aims to fund research projects, implemented by a researcher employed in an enterprise while he is registered at a PhD Programme in a University in Cyprus. The Programme aims to promote effective collaboration between enterprises and the research/academic community since it is based on the collaboration of researchers, universities and industry, and combines the scientific research and cognitive specialization of researchers with the practical application of knowledge in industry.

Detailed Call Description

Within the framework of the “PhD in Industry” Programme, high-level researchers are expected to be employed in enterprises, who will implement doctoral level research in the enterprise in which they are employed. The enterprise will be the Host Organisation.

The institution of industrial doctorates is a tool widely used in developed research and innovation ecosystems. As part of industrial doctorates, a doctoral student implements his/her doctoral dissertation while employed in an enterprise.

The research carried out in the context of industrial doctorates leads to the production of new knowledge which can usually solve a real problem that concerns the enterprise in which the researcher is employed. In addition to the transfer of know-how between academy and industry achieved by such programmes in this case, the real interconnection of the research community with the industry and the utilization of existing know-how to address specific needs and challenges are expected, thus contributing to the strengthening of the competitiveness of the economy and the improvement of the quality of life in Cyprus.

Through the funded Projects of the “PhD in Industry” Programme, the employment of a PhD Student will be funded, in order to carry out his / her research in the context of his / her doctoral dissertation. The content of the proposed research project should be in line with the content of the PhD Student’s dissertation and be aligned with the activities of the enterprise.

The research team of the project should include:

  • The Industrial supervisor of the PhD Student (holder of at least a master degree) in the company.
  • The PhD Supervisor of the PhD Student in the academic institution in which he/she is or will be attending.

Within the framework of the “PhD in Industry” Program, projects will be funded which are part of the following Scientific Areas:

  • Life Sciences
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering

It is clarified that proposals may also be submitted concerning the application of social sciences humanities in these fields.

Call Total Budget


Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan

0% (100% national funding)
€150.000 maximum funding per project

Thematic Category Notes

  • Life Sciences
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering

Thematic Categories

  • Education and training
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation
  • Social Affairs & Human Rights

Eligibility for Participation

  • Associations
  • Central Government
  • Chambers
  • Educational Institutions
  • Large Enterprises
  • Local Authorities
  • NGOs
  • Non Profit Organisations
  • Private Bodies
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions
  • State-owned Enterprises
  • Trade Unions
  • Training Centres

Eligibility For Participation Notes

The Host Organisation must be an enterprise (Small, Medium or Large) which employs at least 8 employees and has a turnover of €70.000 as of the last audited financial statements (according to the previous financial year (N-1) or the year preceding it (N-2), where “N” is the year of the date of announcement of the Call).

In addition, the Academic Institution (Cyprus) in which the PhD Student attends must necessarily participate.

Partner Organisations: Research Organizations, Enterprises, Other Organisations

Participation of Foreign Research Organisations (FRO) is not allowed.

All general rules and procedures for the participation of organisations and individuals, the eligible activities and costs, as well as the specific information regarding the RESTART 2016-2020 Programmes, are included in the RESTART 2016-2020 Work Programme, which is the basic reference document and an important information source for interested parties and can be found on the Research and Innovation Foundation’s IRIS (Innovation Research Information System) Portal (

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


National Contact Point(s)

Research and Innovation Foundation
Partner Support Centre
Telephone: 22205000
