CEF 2 Transport – Projects related to smart and interoperable mobility


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

Connecting Europe Facility

Programme Description

The Connecting Europe Facility is a key EU funding instrument to promote growth, jobs and competitiveness through infrastructure investment at European level.

Programme Details

Identifier Code



CEF 2 Transport – Projects related to smart and interoperable mobility


The call covers the following topics:

  • CEF-T-2024-SIMOBGEN-ERTMS-UNITS: ERTMS – unit contribution: The objective is to increase the interoperability of rail transport by deploying European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS).
  • CEF-T-2024-SIMOBGEN-ITS-WORKS: ITS – studies, works or mixed: The objective is to modernise transport infrastructure and to facilitate road traffic on the TEN-T network, including urban nodes.
  • CEF-T-2024-SIMOBGEN-RIS-WORKS: RIS – studies, works or mixed: The objective is to modernise inland waterway transport infrastructure and facilitate the traffic, safety and transport management in the inland waterways of the TEN-T network.
  • CEF-T-2024-SIMOBGEN-EMSWe-WORKS: EMSWe – studies, works or mixed: The objective is to modernise maritime transport infrastructure and facilitate maritime traffic on the TEN-T network.
  • CEF-T-2024-SIMOBGEN-VTMIS-WORKS: VTMIS – studies, works or mixed: The objective is to modernise maritime transport infrastructure and facilitate maritime traffic on the TEN-T network.
  • CEF-T-2024-SIMOBGEN-eFTI-WORKS: eFTI – studies, works or mixed: The objective is to modernise freight transport infrastructure on the TEN-T network.
  • CEF-T-2024-SIMOBGEN-REMIB-WORKS: Removing rail interoperability barriers, studies, works or mixed: The objective is to increase the interoperability of the rail system in EU.
  • CEF-T-2024-SIMOBGEN-SESAR-DSDU-WORKS: SESAR digital sky demonstrators for a greener, more scalable and resilient ATM – works: The objective is to modernise air transport infrastructure on the TEN-T network.
  • CEF-T-2024-SIMOBGEN-SESAR-CP-WORKS: SESAR Common Project One implementation projects – works: The objective is to modernise air transport infrastructure on the TEN-T network.
  • CEF-T-2024-SIMOBGEN-SESAR-OP-WORKS: Other ATM Projects – works: The objective is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.

Detailed Call Description

For further details please visit the call document of the current call.

Call Total Budget

€640.000.000. Depending on the proposals received and the results of the evaluation, we reserve the right: To use the flexibility provided in the 2021-2027 Work Programme to exceed the indicative call budget or, / Not to award the entire indicative call budget.

Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan

For all topics, except ERTMS and SESAR Other ATM Projects:
The grant will be a budget-based mixed actual cost grant (actual costs, with unit cost and flat-rate elements). This means that it will reimburse ONLY certain types of costs (eligible costs) and costs that were actually incurred for your project (NOT the budgeted costs). For unit costs and flat-rates, you can charge the amounts calculated as explained in the Grant Agreement (see art 6 and Annex 2 and 2a).

The costs will be reimbursed at the funding rates fixed in the Grant Agreement:

  • maximum 50% for the costs of studies (not applicable for the SESAR topics)
  • maximum 50% for the costs of works
  • maximum 70% for the costs of works in outermost regions (not applicable for the the RIS and REMIB topics).

Grants may NOT produce a profit (i.e. surplus of revenues + EU grant over costs). For profit organisations must declare their revenues and, if there is a profit, we will deduct it from the final grant amount (see art 22.3).

Moreover, please be aware that the final grant amount may be reduced in case of non-compliance with the Grant Agreement (e.g. improper implementation, breach of obligations, etc).

For the SESAR topic related to Other ATM Projects: CEF-T-2024-SIMOBGEN-SESAR-OP-WORKS:
The grant will be a budget-based mixed actual cost grant (actual costs, with unit cost and flat-rate elements). This means that it will reimburse ONLY certain types of costs (eligible costs) and costs that were actually incurred for your project (NOT the budgeted costs). For unit costs and flat-rates, you can charge the amounts calculated as explained in the Grant Agreement (see art 6 and Annex 2 and 2a).

The costs will be reimbursed at the funding rates fixed in the Grant Agreement:

a) PBN projects:

  • Maximum 70% for the costs of works in outermost regions
  • Maximum 50% for the costs of works to equip aircraft
  • Works to optimise TMA airspace may be funded up to 30% of the costs. However, they may be funded up to:
    • 40%, if the project includes the decommissioning of the ground infrastructure;
    • 40%, if the project includes the synchronisation with aircraft equipage;
    • 50%, if the project includes decommissioning and synchronisation with aircraft equipage.

b) Datalink projects:
Maximum 50% for the costs of works to equip aircraft and 70% for the costs in outermost regions.

c) ADS-B projects:
Maximum 50% for the costs of works to deploy and make operational use of ADS-B and 70% for the costs in outermost regions.

For ERTMS topic: The grant will be a unit grant. This means that it will reimburse a fixed amount per unit, based on unit costs, unit contributions or financing not linked to costs.

Thematic Categories

  • Education and training
  • Public Administration
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation
  • Shipping - Marine Transports
  • Transport

Eligibility for Participation

  • International Organisations
  • Legal Entities
  • Local Authorities
  • Other Beneficiaries
  • Private Bodies
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions
  • State-owned Enterprises

Eligibility For Participation Notes

In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must:

  • be legal entities (public or private bodies)
  • be established in one of the eligible countries, i.e.:
    • EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories (OCTs)
    • Third countries associated to the CEF Programme (list of participating countries)

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


National Contact Point(s)

Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works
Department of Public Works
Website: https://bit.ly/3BoYoGo
Address: 165 Strovolou Avenue, 2048 Strovolos
Telephones: +357 22806521, +357 22806550, +357 22806537
Email: info@pwd.mcw.gov.cy

Contact person:
Elpida Epameinondas
Senior Executive Engineer
Τelephone: +357 22806643
Email: eepamenonda@pwd.mcw.gov.cy

EU Contact Point