Circulation of European literary works


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

Creative Europe (CREA)

Programme Description

The Creative Europe Programme supports the culture and audiovisual sectors.

Programme Details

Identifier Code



Circulation of European literary works


This action supports projects that translate, publish, distribute, and promote European works of fiction.

Detailed Call Description

In line with the current cultural policy priorities, applicants should propose projects contributing to:

  • EU Overarching priorities (as described in section 1. Background).

Applicants must describe in their application how, in the design and implementation of their projects, they intend to contribute to the EU’s efforts in terms of greening and digital transition and respond to the priorities of inclusion and gender equality and international dimension.

  • The following specific priorities:
    • to increase the transnational circulation and the diversity of European literary works, through the translation, publication, distribution, and promotion of works of fiction written in less widely spoken languages.
    • to promote reading and the linguistic and cultural diversity of European literature to a large audience.
    • to support the profession of literary translator in line with the principles of good working conditions and fair remuneration (for implementation, see section 10).
    • to increase the competitiveness of the book sector by encouraging cooperation between different actors within the book value chain, notably between publishers, booksellers, and libraries.

This action complements the other initiatives or actions under Creative Europe support to the book and publishing sector such as the Day of European Authors (reading promotion and discovery of European literature) and the European Union Prize for Literature (promotion of European emerging authors).

Applicants are encouraged to look for synergies.

In addition, and as part of the EU support to Ukraine, projects aimed at providing literary works in the Ukrainian language to Ukrainian refugees and displaced people will be encouraged. In this context, the printing in Ukrainian of (non-translated).

Ukrainian literary works will be eligible.

To support the literary translation profession in accordance with the principles of good working conditions and fair remuneration, it is recommended that between 20% and 30% of the total project budget is allocated to the remuneration of translators and that translators are given recognition and visibility, in particular by naming them, preferably on the cover page.

Furthermore, to promote linguistic diversity, in particular lesser-used languages, the quality of translation and the profession of literary translator, publishers must sign contracts with professional literary translators, and reference them in the Creative Europe database (see below section 5).

Translation, publication, promotion, and distribution activities as well as activities addressing the themes and priorities described above. More specifically:

  • Work packages of eligible works of fiction to be translated, published, distributed, and promoted, based on a sound editorial, distribution and promotion strategy.
  • Activities to facilitate collaboration between different actors of the book and publishing value chain – authors, translators, publishers, distributors, booksellers, libraries, literary events, or festivals.

Call Total Budget


Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan

Applicants will have to choose between the following categories of projects, both with a maximum co-funding rate at 60% :

  • Category 1: individual applicant.
  • Category 2: consortium composed of a minimum of 2 eligible organisations.

The maximum grant per project for individual applicant (category 1) is of €200.000 and for consortium (category 2) is of €300.000.

The ceilings apply according to the size of the project:

  • Small scale: projects proposing at least 5 translations of eligible works can receive up to €100.000.
  • Medium scale: projects proposing at least 11 translations of eligible works can receive up to €200.000.
  • Large scale: projects proposing at least 21 translations of eligible works can receive up to €300.000 (consortium only).

Thematic Categories

  • Culture

Eligibility for Participation

  • Businesses
  • International Organisations
  • Legal Entities
  • Other Beneficiaries
  • Private Bodies
  • State-owned Enterprises

Eligibility For Participation Notes

In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must:

  • be legal entities (public or private bodies)
  • be established in one of the eligible countries, i.e.:
    • Creative Europe Participating Countries:
      • EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories (OCTs)
    • non-EU countries:
      • listed EEA countries and countries associated to the Creative Europe Programme (list of participating countries)
  • other eligibility conditions: Applicant(s) must be active in the publishing and book sector.

Consortium composition: Both applications submitted by single applicants and by a consortium are allowed.
A consortium must be composed of at least 2 applicants (beneficiaries; not affiliated entities).

Eligible activities: are the ones set out in section 2 above (“Activities that can be funded”).

Each project must include at least 5 eligible works of fiction to be translated, published, distributed, and promoted.

In addition to the minimum number of translated works of fictions, and as part of the Creative Europe support to Ukraine, proposals may include activities and related costs for the printing, promotion, and distribution of works of fiction written in Ukrainian (see section 2).

The project’s proposal should comply with the other following requirements regarding the works’ eligibility:

  • works of fiction such as novels, short stories, theatre and radio plays, poetry works, comics or youth and children literature;
  • works already published;
  • works written by authors who are nationals of, or residents in, or recognised as part of the literary heritage of an eligible country;
  • works not already translated into the target language unless the new translation corresponds to a clearly identified need.

Please note that non-fiction works are not eligible.

Projects must comply with EU policy interests and priorities.

Financial support to third parties is allowed for grants or similar forms of support and prizes under the following conditions:

  • the calls must be open, published widely and conform to EU standards concerning transparency, equal treatment, conflict of interest and confidentiality.
  • the outcome of the call must be published on the participants’ websites, including a description of the selected projects, award dates, project durations, and final recipient legal names and countries.
  • the calls must have a clear European dimension.

Financial support to third parties will be accepted in projects which comply with the above conditions and the maximum amount of financial support that can be paid to a third party shall not exceed €60.000.

Your project application must clearly specify why financial support to third parties is needed, how it will be managed and provide a list of the different types of activities for which a third party may receive financial support. The proposal must also clearly describe the results to be obtained.

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


National Contact Point(s)

Organisation of European Programmes & Cultural Relations
Νenant Μbogntanovitz
Business Planning Coordinator
Address: Ifigenias 27, 2007 Acropolis, Nicosia
Telephone: +357 7000 1300

EU Contact Point

For help related to this call, please contact the Creative Europe Desks.

In case of technical problems with the Creative Europe Database, please contact

For issues unrelated to any of the above, please contact the functional mailbox: