Actions will support the Parliament’s strategic engagement process in view of the European Elections 2024, including the growth of the community and the activation of other Parliament’s networks both at local and headquarters levels
Civil society engagement actions are actions or events implemented on a local, national or transnational level (of up to five Member States) and on an online or offline basis by a legal person (for instance, a civil society organisation, University or other educational entity, a public or private stakeholder or other multiplier network) and for a duration of at least a year.
The grant is limited to a maximum funding rate of 80% of the action’s eligible costs with a maximum of €60 000.
The purpose of this call for proposal is to award grants co-financing engagement actions by national non-profit organisations or non-profit legal persons or groups thereof, having legal personality with the aim of promoting European values primarily at national level.
The actions to be supported under this call are mono-beneficiary actions. This means that only one legal person can apply for a grant.
To be eligible for a grant, applicants must be able to demonstrate that they satisfy the criteria mentioned below.
For actions under point 2.2.1 of this call, applicants must be:
Type of potential beneficiaries: National non-profit organisations or groups thereof, having legal personality with the explicit aim of promoting European values primarily at national level.
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