Configurable Fuel Cell Powertrain for Non-Road Mobile Machinery


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

Clean Hydrogen JOINT UNDERTAKING (Clean Hydrogen JU)

Programme Description

The Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking or Clean Hydrogen Partnership is a unique public-private partnership supporting research and innovation (R&I) activities in hydrogen technologies in Europe. It builds upon the success of its predecessor, the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking.

Programme Details

Identifier Code



Configurable Fuel Cell Powertrain for Non-Road Mobile Machinery


The topic aims to demonstrate a configurable fuel cell powertrain capable of being integrated in at least two NRMM applications preferably related to ports or agriculture where one application has a minimum fuel cell power of 200 kW and the other a minimum fuel cell power of 100 kW.

Detailed Call Description

A performance comparison of the fuel cell powertrain with existing technology (i.e. internal combustion engine) should be part of the demonstration and should clearly show fuel cell powertrain advantages.

Furthermore, in the development of the configurable powertrain, the same building blocks should be used but configured in different powertrains with a different form factor or a different power level or a combination of both.

The applications where this NRMM powertrain should be demonstrated include those which are complementary to already funded projects (H2Ports and H2Mac), but excluding the same type of mobile machinery which has already been funded. A complementary application may be one that belongs to the same environment (e.g. port) but is not funded by previous projects (e.g. straddle carrier, Rubber Tyred Gantry cranes , etc), and is expected to go beyond the already demonstrated activities.

Consortia should choose the application segment(s) based on an impact analysis (cradle to grave approach) showing the sustainability improvement, like the potential for CO2 emission reduction, upon the full segment coverage in Europe compared with the already used technology.

In particular, a complete analysis of the market potential for the selected application/s and the corresponding CO2 emission reduction has to be a deliverable of the project.

Following validation in a relevant environment, the demonstration in a relevant environment should be carried out for at least 2,000 hours of operation of an NRMM specific load profile to show the necessary stack lifetime and powertrain reliability. The demonstration hours may include the idles and stops which are naturally included in the typical NRMM application load profile. The 2,000 hrs demonstration should be done on the powertrain with the largest power output. The other powertrain/s demonstration testing should last at least 1,000 hrs.

Proposals should cover all the following elements:

  • Develop and/or adapt a kit of building blocks which can be assembled into an easily configurable powertrain, including:
    • Fuel cell module/s (compliant with StasHH interface and size standards);Energy management system;
    • Power electronics;
    • Cooling system;
    • Air and fuel management (including appropriate filtration means);
    • Optional components for mitigating the effects of harsh environment;
    • On-board hydrogen storage and equipment for fast refuelling.
  • Develop an overarching software and control structure to effectively combine different building blocks into a fully functioning powertrain including batteries for hybrid operation;
  • Mapping, identifying and disseminating key requirements (operating envelopes, environmental aspects etc.) of different NRMM platforms highlighting those which are in common between them and those which can have an impact on powertrain design and the selection of various building block elements;
  • Analyse operation data and disseminate specific learnings from the FC and hydrogen based NRMM solution compared to incumbent technologies (fossil fueled internal combustion engines and battery-based technologies);
  • Developing solutions, including diagnostics and prognostication methods, to mitigate the impact of harsh environments on fuel cell lifetime and powertrain reliability;
  • Developing strategies and incorporate measures to optimise powertrain efficiency, reliability, and lifetime while considering cleaning and maintenance procedures for all powertrain components;
  • Select and validate a suitable and flexible refuelling solution compatible with the selected NRMM application and compatible with a wide range of end-users’ requirements; This may be done with a comprehensive study that includes simulation and modelling, techno-economic assessments and even RCS considerations. The technical assessment should consider the special conditions as well in which temporary/mobile solutions would have to operate.
  • Perform a Sustainable Life Cycle Assessment (SLCA) of the NRMM powertrain solution for at least one relevant case study;
  • Performing a techno-economic assessment to demonstrate the progress toward reducing the powertrain capital cost and identify scale factors which could accelerate this progress.
  • Adequately address regulatory aspects and contribute to prevailing regulations, codes and standards (RCS) activities.

It is expected that the fuel cell powertrain for NRMM is capable of handling:

  • Fast transients from idle to full load in repetition;
  • Dust on the nozzle that could impact the refilling;
  • Continuous high power for long periods of time.
  • Consortia for this project should involve at least one NRMM manufacturer, a research institution and a Fuel Cell System integrator.

In addition, proposals should indicate how learnings from the project will be disseminated, in terms of potential spillover effects to segments other than NRMMs, such HD transport, marine, rail, stationary, etc. The development of single components such as the fuel cell stack, battery (cells & packs) and hydrogen tanks are not in the scope of this topic.

Call Total Budget


Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan

Expected EU contribution: €5.000.000

Thematic Categories

  • Energy
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation

Eligibility for Participation

  • Other Beneficiaries
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


EU Contact Point

Phone number: +32 22218148

Postal address: Avenue de la Toison d’Or 56-60, 1060 Brussels, Belgium