The European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) provides safe and secure European satellite navigation services, advances the commercialization of Galileo, EGNOS, and Copernicus data and services, engages in secure satellite communications (GOVSATCOM & IRIS2), and operates the EUSST Front Desk. EUSPA is also responsible for accrediting the security of all EU Space Programme components. By fostering innovation in the space sector and above and collaborating with the EU Space community, EUSPA contributes to the European Green Deal and digital transition, enhances Union safety and security, and strengthens autonomy and resilience.
Applications under this topic will build on Copernicus data and the latest evolutions of the Copernicus services and may combine these with other sources of data or services, including those based on in situ/ground-based information and, where relevant, other space capacities like data collection, satcom, navigation, in particular the European satellite positioning/navigation/timing services and EGNSS technologies.
Targeted areas should be:
1) Copernicus applications downstream of the Copernicus Emergency service for better preparedness of local authorities, citizen, local industries and services to more frequent extreme events, geohazards, prediction insurances, preparing for a better resilience to climate change, for better local emergency management and short-term recovery.
2) Copernicus applications downstream of the Copernicus Security service or exploiting the combination of Sentinels with national contribution missions or new space services to develop national to local services supporting resilience to upcoming major pan-European crisis like pandemics and the social and economic consequences of it.
3) Copernicus applications downstream of the Marine service, with special focus on biodiversity conservation, maritime spatial planning, local and demersal fisheries, coastal to shore services, new sources of pollution from land, blue carbon farming as well as applications addressing the objectives of the EU mission on ‘Restore our oceans and waters’ lighthouses. The applications shall build on existing infrastructure (e.g. Copernicus DIAS) and services (e.g. Copernicus Marine Service) to create solutions which can be practically utilised by policy- and/or decision-makers, industry actors and/or controlling agents to support processes that reinforce sustainable use of resources, alleviating pressure on marine ecosystems.
4) Copernicus applications downstream of the Land service for better land use and/or natural resources planning (e.g. supply chain management for the raw materials sector) and for citizen awareness and reporting of environmental and biodiversity protection issues, using the new and improved land service products such as the ground motion service products, for industrial ecosystem development, land cover/use layers and inland water indicators.
5) Applications downstream of the Climate Change Service for including e.g. improved forecast and preparedness aimed to counteract extreme climate events and/or integrating Sentinel Data and other climate datasets in decision-support systems in the area of Agriculture, Energy (e.g. planning and assessment for renewable energy resources), Hydrology, Health, Disaster Risk Reduction, insurances (e.g. climate-risks related insurances) and/or the finance sector (e.g. green loans).
6) Applications downstream of the Atmosphere Monitoring Service that tailor, refine and combine the products for serving users particularly in the areas of air quality, health, biodiversity, wildfires monitoring and greenhouse gases.
A proposal should address only one area, which should be clearly indicated.
In order to give confidence that expected outcomes will be delivered by the projects, proposals are requested to:
EU contribution per project: of between €1.00 and €2.00 million
If projects use satellite-based earth observation, positioning, navigation and/or related timing data and services, beneficiaries must make use of Copernicus and/or Galileo/EGNOS (other data and services may additionally be used).
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