The European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) provides safe and secure European satellite navigation services, advances the commercialization of Galileo, EGNOS, and Copernicus data and services, engages in secure satellite communications (GOVSATCOM & IRIS2), and operates the EUSST Front Desk. EUSPA is also responsible for accrediting the security of all EU Space Programme components. By fostering innovation in the space sector and above and collaborating with the EU Space community, EUSPA contributes to the European Green Deal and digital transition, enhances Union safety and security, and strengthens autonomy and resilience.
The action aims to support the adoption of Copernicus and state-of-the-art ICT technologies (e.g. Big Data and AI), and make use of existing European data infrastructures, such as Copernicus DIAS platforms, European open data portals, and industrial data platforms. The topic will contribute to the digitization challenges of the European industry fostering the integration and uptake of Copernicus into the economy and opening up innovative business opportunities, supporting societal challenges.
Actions will bring to market new or improved applications, products and services by exploiting Copernicus data assets and services products.
To achieve the objectives the project are required to adopt state-of-the-art ICT technologies (such as, for example, Big Data and AI technologies in their wider declinations), and make use of existing European data infrastructures, such as Copernicus DIAS platforms, European open data portals, and industrial data platforms.
The technical solutions to be adopted should be user-friendly and work at the scale of the large quantities of data involved. They should be adopted to contribute to the digitization challenges of the European industry by opening up innovative business avenuesopportunities and to support societal challenges.
Copernicus data and services products will be at the core of the projects’ data value chains and integration activates activities needed to fulfil the industrial and users requirements that will drive the actions.
Applicants are required to present initial qualifying items of their business plan in the proposal, which will then have to be fully developed as part of the project’s exploitation plan.
70% except for non-profit legal entities, where a rate of 100% applies
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