Demonstration of scalable ammonia cracking technology


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

Clean Hydrogen JOINT UNDERTAKING (Clean Hydrogen JU)

Programme Description

The Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking or Clean Hydrogen Partnership is a unique public-private partnership supporting research and innovation (R&I) activities in hydrogen technologies in Europe. It builds upon the success of its predecessor, the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking.

Programme Details

Identifier Code



Demonstration of scalable ammonia cracking technology


The topic focuses on developing a highly efficient, modular and scalable cracking technology to convert ammonia into high-purity hydrogen to the specifications needed for specific applications and scales. The modular and scalable technology will enable cost-competitive and safe use of hydrogen in industrial and market sectors such as hard-to-decarbonise and off-grid power generation applications. The primary outcomes should be an innovative, low-cost, and compact technology enabling dynamic operations for energy-efficient hydrogen production, contributing to the overall objectives of the Clean Hydrogen JU SRIA to reduce hydrogen production and transport costs. The scope of this topic is to design, manufacture and demonstrate in an operational environment a system prototype for efficient ammonia cracking for at least 100 kg/day production.

Detailed Call Description

The topic should cover the following elements:

  • Design, fabrication and testing of a system (also modular) that enables process intensification and improved electrical and thermal integration to produce high-purity hydrogen that is compliant with the application it plans to address;
  • Novel catalyst and/or reactor design to improve efficiency and manufacturing, including if necessary, integrating novel separation processes to produce dry hydrogen, as well as potentially novel principles of the cracking/reforming process;
  • Ammonia cracking scale-up and efficient integration for power/heat generation and/or hydrogen utilisation;
  • Assess the integrity of materials exposed to ammonia with respect to corrosion and mechanical failure;
  • Design the cracking reactor and Balance of Plant components to ensure flexible operation of the system and for optimising economic energy usage;
  • Perform a safety assessment of the system and contribute to establishing a robust background and roadmap for standardisation;
  • Present a demonstration system running for at least 5000 hours and producing ≥100 kg H2/day;
  • Demonstrate the potential scalability of the developed technology into a plant size of up to 10 tonnes of H2/day, enhancements of the total process efficiency through techno-economic and life-cycle assessment and social analysis of the proposed technology (e.g. Techno-Economic Assessment (TEA), Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Life-Cycle Cost Assessment (LCCA), Life-Cycle and Sustainability Assessment (LCSA));
  • Provide a sustainability analysis establishing the impact of CSRM usage and path forward for its potential reduction.

Proposals are encouraged to seek synergies and complement ongoing projects producing renewable ammonia (including within the Innovation Fund) with a view to demonstrating the production of renewable hydrogen.

Proposals are expected to demonstrate the contribution to EU competitiveness and industrial leadership of the activities to be funded including but not limited to the origin of the equipment and components as well infrastructure purchased and built during the project. These aspects will be evaluated and monitored during the project implementation.

Proposals should provide a preliminary draft on ‘hydrogen safety planning and management’ at the project level, which will be further updated during project implementation.

Call Total Budget


Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan

Expected EU contribution: €6.000.000

Thematic Categories

  • Energy
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation

Eligibility for Participation

  • Other Beneficiaries
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


EU Contact Point

Phone number: +32 22218148

Postal address: Avenue de la Toison d’Or 56-60, 1060 Brussels, Belgium