EIC Accelerator 2024 – Short application


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

Horizon Europe (2021-2027)

Programme Description

Horizon Europe is the European Union (EU) funding programme for the period 2021 – 2027, which targets the sectors of research and innovation. The programme’s budget is around € 95.5 billion, of which € 5.4 billion is from NextGenerationEU to stimulate recovery and strengthen the EU’s resilience in the future, and € 4.5 billion is additional aid.

Programme Details

Identifier Code



EIC Accelerator 2024 – Short application


The EIC Accelerator focuses in particular on innovations, building on scientific discovery or technological breakthroughs (‘deep tech’) and where significant funding is needed over a long timeframe before returns can be generated (‘patient capital’).

Detailed Call Description

The EIC Accelerator supports companies (principally SMEs, including start-ups and spin-outs) to scale up high impact innovations with the potential to create new markets or disrupt existing ones.

The EIC Accelerator supports the later stages of technology development as well as scale up. The technology component of your innovation must therefore have been tested and validated in a laboratory or other relevant environment (e.g. at least TRL 5 or higher). The EIC Accelerator looks to support companies where the EIC support will act as a catalyst to crowd in other investors necessary for the scale up of the innovation.

Applicants to EIC Accelerator can submit proposals through:

  • EIC Accelerator Open, which has no predefined thematic priorities and is open to proposals in any field of technology or application;
  • EIC Accelerator Challenges in predefined areas of emerging and strategic technologies:
    • Human Centric Generative AI
    • Virtual worlds and augmented interaction, including support to Industry 5.0
    • Enabling the smart edge & quantum technology components
    • Food from precision fermentation and algae
    • Monoclonal antibody-based therapeutics for emerging viruses
    • Renewable energy sources and their whole value chain

For more details about the challenges please consult the 2024 EIC Work Programme.

Call Total Budget

€675.000.000 (€375.000.000 to EIC Accelerator Open and €300.000.000 to EIC Accelerator Challenges).

Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan

The EIC Accelerator provides:

  • grant component only (‘Grant Only’) that will take the form of a lump sum contribution via a grant agreement. Grant only shall be provided only once to any legal entity for the duration of the Horizon Europe programme (2021- 27). The grant component should normally not exceed €2.500.000 for innovation activities (starting at TRL 5 or 6 aiming at achieving higher TRLs)
  • blended finance support which is composed of
    • An investment component usually in the form of direct equity or quasi-equity such as convertible loans via an investment agreement.
    • A grant component, that will take the form of a lump sum contribution via a grant agreement. An investment component usually in the form of direct equity or quasi-equity such as convertible loans. The minimum investment component is €500.000 and the maximum is €15.000.000.
  • investment component only (Equity-Only) support to non-bankable SMEs, including start-ups, which have already received an eligible grant support, via an investment agreement. The minimum investment component is €500.000 and the maximum is €15.000.000 for scaling up and other activities.

The funding rate of the grant component will be 70% of the eligible costs. The remaining 30% co-funding of the work packages to be covered by the grant component has to be financed by the beneficiary through its own resources.

EIC Accelerator grant funding covers innovation activities, including demonstration of the technology in the relevant environment, prototyping and system level demonstration, R&D and testing required to meet regulatory and standardisation requirements, intellectual property management, and marketing approval (e.g., at least TRL 5 to 8).

Thematic Categories

  • New Entrepreneurship
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation
  • Small-Medium Enterprises and Competitiveness

Eligibility for Participation

  • Legal Entities
  • Natual person / Citizen / Individual
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions
  • Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Eligibility For Participation Notes

For the EIC Accelerator, you must apply as one of the following eligible entities:

  • A single company classified as a SME and established within a Member State or an Associated Country or;
  • A single company classified as a small mid-cap (up to 499 employees) established in a Member State or an Associated Country, but the proposal can only be for exceptional cases for rapid scale up purposes; or
  • One or more natural persons (including individual entrepreneurs) or legal entities, which are either:
    • from a Member State or an Associated Country intending to establish an SME or small mid-cap (as defined above) in a Member State or Associated Country by the time of signing the EIC Accelerator contract or, in case the equity only is awarded, at the latest when agreeing on its investment component;
    • intending to invest in an SME or small mid-cap in a Member State or an Associated Country and who may submit a proposal on behalf of that SME or small mid-cap, provided that a prior agreement exist with the company. The grant agreement and/or the investment agreement will be signed with the beneficiary/ final recipient of funding company only; or
    • from a non-associated third country intending to establish an SME (including start-ups) or to relocate an existing SME to a Member State or an Associated Country. Your company must prove its effective establishment in a Member State or an Associated Country at the time of submission of the full proposal.

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


National Contact Point(s)

Research and Innovation Foundation
29a Andrea Michalakopoulou, 1075 Nicosia,
P.B. 23422, 1683 Nicosia
Telephone: +357 22205000
Fax: +357 22205001
Email: support@research.org.cy

Contact Persons:
George Christou
Scientific Officer
Email: gchristou@research.org.cy

Nedi Kaffa
Scientific Officer