European Partnerships – EUROSTARS-3


Programme Category

Co-Financed Programmes

Programme Name

THALIA (2021-2027) – Cohesion Policy Funds

Programme Description

THALIA: Foundations of Change, Prosperity, Equality and Development

Programme “THALIA 2021-2027” constitutes a multi-annual, multi-fund development Programme that was drawn up in accordance to the Article 22 of the Regulation (EU) 2021/1060 (Common Provisions Regulation – CPR), outlining the development strategy for the utilisation of the resources allocated to Cyprus through the Cohesion Policy Funds, for the period 2021-2027.

The total budget of the Programme amounts to €1.81 billion, of which €968 million comes from the EU Cohesion Policy Funds, while the remaining €842 million is the national contribution.

Programme Details

Identifier Code



European Partnerships – EUROSTARS-3


«European Partnerships» Programme aims to encourage local organisations to participate in transnational consortia for the implementation of research and innovation projects in areas of high importance for Cyprus, which are implemented in the frame of Joint Programmes of European Partnerships under the EU «Horizon Europe» Programme, in which the country participates. Furthermore, the Programme promotes the extroversion of local enterprises and research organisations, and their collaboration and networking with foreign organisations through their participation in the transnational projects.

The present Call for Proposals aims to encourage innovative SMEs to participate in transnational research activities and to enhance their competitiveness through the development of new products / services / production methods of high added value or the development of significantly improved existing products / services / production methods which are expected to be commercially exploited by the participating organisations. Furthermore, the Programme aims to promote the networking and collaboration between Cypriot and foreign organisations through the participation in transnational industrial research and development projects.

Detailed Call Description

«European Partnerships» Programme offers the opportunity to local organisations to participate in transnational research and innovation projects in sectors and thematic areas of high importance for Cyprus. Furthermore, the Programme promotes the extroversion of local enterprises and research organisations, and their collaboration and networking with foreign organisations through their participation in projects implemented in the frame of the European Partnerships in which the country participates.

European Partnerships are initiatives where the EU, national authorities and/or the private sector jointly commit to support the development and implementation of a programme of research and innovation activities.

Partnerships will: address complex challenges outlined in «Horizon Europe» Programme, such as accelerating the transitions towards a society and economy that are climate neutral and circular, support the achievement of EU priorities, such as the European Green Deal, a Europe fit for the digital age, an economy that works for people, and a stronger Europe in the world, be impact-driven by deploying a broad range of R&I activities, from concept to demonstration and validation, to those supporting market, regulatory and societal uptake, and  contribute to a stronger European Research Area (ERA), by avoiding the duplication of efforts, creating critical scales of investment and enhancing synergies between programmes.

«EUROSTARS-3» Joint Programme, is implemented in the frame of the «Partnership on Innovative SMEs» by the participating countries and the EU, through the Horizon Europe Programme, and supports innovative enterprises, through the implementation of transnational projects, to develop new products, methods and services, as well as to commercially exploit new knowledge.

Research and innovation projects driven by innovative enterprises are implemented by transnational consortia which consist organisations from the participating countries in the Programme. Central submission and evaluation procedures are followed, while participating organisations are funded by their respective national funding organisations.

A EUROSTARS-3 project should meet the following conditions:

  • The project consortium is composed of at least two entities that are independent from one another.
  • The project consortium is composed of entities from at least two participating countries, with a minimum of one organisation from an EU or Horizon Europe Associated Country.
  • The Coordinator of the Transnational Consortium should be an Innovative SME from one of the participating countries in EUROSTARS 3 Programme.
  • A minimum of 50% of the Transnational Project’s budget (excluding subcontracting Costs), should be allocated to the SMEs from EUROSTARS participating countries.
  • The allocation of tasks within the Transnational Consortium must be well balanced, whereby no partner organisation or country is allocated more than 70% of the project work.
  • The project duration is 36 months or less.
  • The project has an exclusive focus on civil applications.

Priority: Competitive, Smart & Digital Economy
Policy Objective: A More Competitive and Smarter Europe
Specific Objective: Strengthening Research & Innovation
Project Type: Grant Scheme
Geographical area covered by the call: Cyprus


Call Total Budget


Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan


Thematic Categories

  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation
  • Small-Medium Enterprises and Competitiveness

Eligibility for Participation

  • Businesses
  • Central Government
  • Chambers
  • Legal Entities under Public Law
  • Local Authorities
  • NGOs
  • Private Bodies
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions
  • Semi-governmental organisations
  • Trade Unions

Eligibility For Participation Notes

Research Organisations, Enterprises, Other Organisations


Host Organisation (of the Cypriot Consortium) should be a Small or Medium Enterprise (Β.1, Β.2).

Research Organisations, Enterprises and Other Organisations can participate as Partner Organisations (in the Cypriot Consortium).

Maximum number of organisations in the Cypriot Consortium should be between one to three (1-3).

Participation of startups is not allowed except for those with marketable products/services, with a record for sales and turnover and audited financial statements for at least two (2) years.

Each Enterprise can receive funding from the RIF for a maximum of two (2) Projects in the frame of EUROSTARS-3 Programme during the 2021-2027 period.

It is noted that Organisations from the Collaboration Countries are funded by their respective national funding organisations/agencies.

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


National Contact Point(s)

Research and Innovation Foundation

Τelephone: 22205000


EU Contact Point

European Regional Development Fund
