EYE2025 – Coordination of the EYE Village Programme


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

European Parliament Programme

Programme Description

Actions will support the Parliament’s strategic engagement process in view of the European Elections 2024, including the growth of the together.eu community and the activation of other Parliament’s networks both at local and headquarters levels

Programme Details

Identifier Code



EYE2025 – Coordination of the EYE Village Programme


The main objective of this call is the design, implementation and coordination of the programme in the EYE Village during EYE2025 aimed at:

  • offering young people opportunities to learn about European democracy as the foundation of the EU and about the key role of citizens and civil society organisations in the democratic process;
  • inspiring and engaging young people as European citizens through meetings with European decision-makers and Members of the European Parliament (MEPs);
  • encouraging young people to become active citizens and engage in European democracy

Detailed Call Description

The EYE (European Youth Event) is a biennial event that takes place at the European Parliament in Strasbourg and online, and brings together thousands of young people from all over the European Union and beyond, to share and shape their ideas on the future of Europe. It is a unique opportunity for 16 to 30 year olds to interact, inspire each other and exchange their views with experts, activists, content creators and decision-makers, right in the heart of European democracy.

For this edition, the European Parliament is looking for one single grant beneficiary who will be in charge of the design, implementation and coordination of the outdoor programme in the EYE Village. To this end, the beneficiary will launch its own call for proposals among a wide range of youth and civil society organisations in order to provide them with a financial support for activities to be organised in the EYE Village, and will coordinate the set up and implementation of the outdoor programme.

Call Total Budget


Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan

Co-financing shall take the form of reimbursement of up to 80% of eligible costs actually incurred by the beneficiary and its affiliated entities.

Financial support to third parties: is allowed under the conditions stated in this call for proposals and in Article II.12 of the grant agreement and must be explicitly mentioned in the application.
The financial support to third party may take the form of sub-grants (including a lump sum) following a call for proposals or other selection procedure, prizes following a contest, and other financial contributions.

At least 80% of the EYE Village activities (see section 2.2) should be run by youth and civil society organisations following selection procedures organised by the beneficiary in order to award different types of financing support.

Amount of financial support and criteria:
The applicant must indicate in its application the maximum amount of financial support to be granted for each third party and the criteria for determining the exact amount of the financial support.

Applicant should define in their proposal the most suitable financial arrangements for the activities to be organised by the recipients of financial support.

The maximum amount of financial support to each third party may not exceed €60.000 (unless the applicant can justify in its application that it is necessary to achieve the objectives set out in section 1.2 of the call for proposals).

If the applicant uses lump sums as a form of financial support, it must provide a clear explanation as to what it includes and how it is calculated.

The prizes awarded to artists selected following the music contest (see section 2.2.) must respect the following ceilings:

  • Maximum €700 per artist;
  • Maximum €3.500 per band.

Other costs related to the participation in the musical contest and the musical programme during EYE2025 are excluded from the prize and shall be paid separately as financial support to each artists (eg. travel and accommodation costs, costs associated with the performance in the EYE Village).

The conditions for awarding financial support for travel costs and subsistence costs to attend the EYE2025 should not exceed the ceilings set in Annex XV of the call.

For further details on the Legal and financial set-up of the Grant Agreements section please visit p. 30-33 of the call document.

Thematic Categories

  • Other Services
  • Other Thematic Category
  • Public Administration
  • Social Affairs & Human Rights
  • Youth

Eligibility for Participation

  • Associations
  • Large Enterprises
  • Legal Entities
  • NGOs
  • Non Profit Organisations
  • Other Beneficiaries
  • Private Bodies
  • Semi-governmental organisations
  • State-owned Enterprises
  • Youth

Eligibility For Participation Notes

The actions supported under this call are mono-beneficiary actions. This means that there is one legal entity applying for a grant. Applications presented by consortia of partners are not eligible.

To be eligible for a grant, applicants (and their affiliated entity, if any) must be able to demonstrate that they are:

  • A non-profit making organisation;
  • A private legal person constituted and registered as legal entity for at least three years at the time of application;
  • A legal person registered in one of the Member States of the European Union;
  • A legal person with no political affiliation;
  • A pan-European youth or civil society organisation.

Under this call for proposals, in order to be considered pan-European, the youth or civil society organisation must formally represent the interests and common values of members from at least 9 Member States (network).

Non-eligible participants:
The following entities are not eligible: natural persons, international organisations, EU bodies, universities and schools, public authorities and profit making entities.

In line with the non-political affiliation criteria (see section 6.1), entities would be declared ineligible if Members of the European Parliament (MEPs):

  • hold executive functions on their administrative Board or any other executive body of their organisation, or
  • act as their legal representative of their organisation.

The same applies for entities that qualify as a political party active at European, national, regional or local level, as well as for their youth organisations or foundations.

Specific cases – Affiliated entities are allowed under the following conditions:

  • legal entities
  • having a legal or capital link with applicants,
  • which is neither limited to the action nor established for the sole purpose of its implementation (e.g. members of networks, federations, trade unions),

Affiliated entities may take part in the action and declare eligible costs.

Affiliated entities are allowed on the condition that they satisfy the eligibility and non – exclusion criteria of an applicant.

Eligible Member States:
Entities from all EU member states are eligible.

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


EU Contact Point

For help related to EP-COMM calls, please contact: dgcomm-subvention@europarl.europa.eu