Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking (EU-Rail) aims to deliver, via an integrated system approach, a high-capacity, flexible, multimodal, sustainable, reliable and integrated EU railway network for European passengers and cargo.
The 2023 Call for Proposals is structured around 6 topics under Destination 8.
Destination 8: Exploratory Research and other activities. EU-Rail promote forward looking activities, tackling disruptive technologies and thinking, performing exploratory research to accelerate the pace towards radical system innovations in the guided transport modes and supporting the evolution of the Innovation Programme in scope and targets.
Considering the current state of the art regarding automation in the metro system, the action to be funded under this topic shall deliver R&I which first step is to determine requirements and needs for future different type of metro users, while also taking into consideration the resilience to external challenges/future threats (climate threats, sanitary, terrorism, etc.) aiming at making metro systems future proof.
The Project stemming from this topic should aim to identify and initially exploit key areas of innovation of the future metro system. The initiative shall identify new requirements, develop new concepts, and implement early stages of development of the solutions based on new emerging technologies (automation and digitalization, AI, telecom, etc.).
The final objective is to increase efficiency, sustainability, attractiveness, and resilience against current state of the art. Making the system future metro systems answering the needs of an evolving society with the metro as the backbone of urban mobility.
The following R&I areas have been identified as key enablers of the expected outcome. The Project stemming from this topic shall address all the following work streams and is expected to provide all the following:
Workstream 1: Increased adaptability of metros to fluctuations in demand. The project shall deliver a feasibility study, potentially using simulation tools as Proof of Concept to demonstrate to what extent it is possible to increase the adaptability of metros to fluctuations in demand; and how to benefit from new opportunities provided by the trend towards full automation of metro operation (Grade of Operation 4 with no staff on board train), by a better knowledge of customers profiles and travel conditions (expected and actual) thanks to digitalization, by new technologies and by improved coordination with other modes and new mobility services.
Workstream 2: Future of train control. The project shall deliver a feasibility study, including an analysis of the different trends in train control and existing / future technological solutions as well as adefinition of future needs and functional requirements for the different categories of metro systems. The objective is not to focus on one solution with respect to another, but to explore equidistantly the topic from the different point of view like economic, operational, technologic and considering the potential impact on existing systems.
Workstream 3: Advantages and trends brought by AI and data science in metro operation for different types of metros (old/new, large/small, etc.). While their area of relevance is rather associated with large networks, the project shall deliver concepts on the most promising AI and data science implementation applications in metro operation, with a cost-effective approach, in different categories of metro systems (greenfield/brownfield, city or regional, connection with long distance modes…). Relevant aspects like application to operational processes and cybersecurity threat identification and management should also be considered. Preliminary results of this workstream may be considered for Workstream 1 and 2 implementations.
Interactions with other EU-RAIL projects and EU-Missions
The action to be funded under this topic shall:
Expected EU contribution per project: €3 100 000
It is expected that 1 project will be funded under each topic.
The general admissibility and eligibility conditions are described in Annex A, Annex B, and Annex E of the Horizon Europe Work Programme General Annexes.
For additional information about the eligibility conditions and the special skills and/or capabilities expected from the applicant(s) under each call, please visit the description of the topic of your interest in the Europe’s Rail Work Programme 2023-2024 (the link can be found under the “Further information” section of this email).
Eligible costs will take the form of a lump sum as defined in the Decisions authorising the use of lump sum contributions under the Horizon Europe – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2021-2027) -and in actions under the Research and Training Programme of the European Atomic Energy Community (2021-2025).
Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking
Address: Avenue de la Toison d’Or 56-60/Gulden-Vlieslaan 56-60, 1060 Brussels, Belgium