The second Policy Axis seeks to make a significant contribution to green transition and environmental sustainability, through the achievement of national targets for climate neutrality, energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. It promotes reforms in the fields of climate and energy, sustainable transport, water resources management and the wider environment.
This axis is also the most important in terms of the overall contribution of the Plan to the climate targets, which reaches 41% of the total budget of the Plan, with actions over €500 million that are diffused in almost all policy areas.
The Cyprus Energy Agency announces the Call for applications of the Grant Scheme for supporting the resilience and adaptation to climate change of rural communities, funded under the Recovery and Resilience Fund. The Grant Scheme aims to promote investments by rural councils in adaptation to climate change, and in particular in adaptation to extreme temperatures and flooding, as well as in sustainable mobility.
Objectives of the Scheme:
The Grant Scheme aims to strengthen the resilience of rural communities to climate changes whilst increasing the well-being of rural citizens. It has been developed in the wider context of national and community policies for adaptation to climate change and has been designed in such a way as to contribute to the achievement of the objectives of:
Eligible Costs:
100% funding for eligible investments, with a maximum grant of €150.000 and minimum grant of €10.000.
Local Authorities
Cyprus Union of Communities
Cyprus Energy Agency
Persons to Contact:
Louisa Marie Shakou
Climate Change Coordinator
Τelephone: 22667846
Fax: 22667736
Charalampos Kiourtzides
Τelephone: 22667786
Fax: 22667736
Marina Kyriakou
Architect and Urban Planning
Τelephone: 22667847
Fax: 22667736
Christina Andreou
Civil Engineer
Τelephone: 22667849
Fax: 22667736
Stefani Demetriou
Environmental Engineer
Τelephone: 22667850
Fax: 22667736