The REPowerEU chapter addresses the challenge of reducing reliance on fossil fuels. The objectives of the component are to strongly reduce Cyprus’ dependence from imported fossil fuels in general. The new RePowerEU chapter contributes to the achievement of Cyprus’s energy efficiency obligations and targets set for 2030, under the National Energy and Climate Plan. In order to limit its energy dependence, Cyprus shall further invest in energy efficiency improvements in buildings and road transport and accelerate the deployment of renewables.
The measures included in the REPowerEU chapter address most aspects of recent country-specific recommendations in the field of energy, as they shall foster research and innovation in the field of green transition and energy production, storage, transmission and distribution solutions, promote renewables and accelerate energy efficiency measures in various buildings in the public and private sector, enhance the regulatory framework for the operation of Energy Communities, and promote widespread use of Electric Vehicles.
The implementation of the measures are all expected to contribute to reducing dependency on fossil fuels. Increasing the share of renewable energy sources has a cross-border and multi-country dimension because it contributes to securing the energy supply in the Union as a whole.
The Support Scheme is intended to:
The Scheme covers the following categories of investments:
Basic Parameters:
• All installations, for All CATEGORIES must be implemented by merchants registered in the “PARTICIPATING TRADERS” list.
• The buildings for which the Application is submitted should be legally used as residences and the electricity bill of the houses should concern a household tariff.
• The Scheme concerns installations in existing residences in which the application for a building permit or town planning permit has been submitted before 01/01/2017 (CATEGORY A) and before 21/12/2007 (CATEGORY B).
• For Categories A1, A2 and A3: The application is submitted by the natural person in whose name the electricity bill is issued.
• For Categories B1 and B2:The APPLICATION is submitted by the natural person who will make the investment (it is NOT required that he/she is the owner of the house or that the electricity bill be issued in his/her name).
• Retroactive effect is not applied. Eligible are investments implemented after 25/01/2024.
The Scheme provides financial incentives in the form of state grants for the following categories of investments:
In addition to the grant, for Category A3, the RES and EC Fund also pays the PARTICIPATING TRADER the remaining amount for the full repayment of the investment, up to an amount of €1.000 per kW.
The “repayment amount” is returned by the Applicant to the RES and EC Fund with bimonthly charges of €150 paid through the PARTICIPATING ELECTRICITY SUPPLIER (e.g. EAC) with a corresponding charge on the electricity bill.
The Scheme provides a one-time bonus of €750 in the event that both types of investments are implemented for the same residence. Applies to Categories A1, A3, B1.
The grant amount per application for CATEGORIES A1 and B1 is increased by 50% for the houses that fall in the mountainous areas, within the framework of the National Strategy for the Development of Mountain Communities.
Natural persons permanently residing in Cyprus
Energy Service – Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry
Management Committee of the Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Conservation Fund:
Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Conservation Fund
Τelephone: 22409350
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