THALIA: Foundations of Change, Prosperity, Equality and Development
Programme “THALIA 2021-2027” constitutes a multi-annual, multi-fund development Programme that was drawn up in accordance to the Article 22 of the Regulation (EU) 2021/1060 (Common Provisions Regulation – CPR), outlining the development strategy for the utilisation of the resources allocated to Cyprus through the Cohesion Policy Funds, for the period 2021-2027.
The total budget of the Programme amounts to €1.81 billion, of which €968 million comes from the EU Cohesion Policy Funds, while the remaining €842 million is the national contribution.
The Programme’s objective is to provide a second opportunity to entities and natural persons (researchers) who attempted to receive a grant under Horizon Europe Programme, and whose proposals despite of being of high quality did not manage to secure funding due to budget exhaustion.
The «HORIZON EUROPE- 2nd Opportunity -MSCA» Call for Proposals offers a second opportunity to researchers who attempted to obtain a grant under the “Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions – Postdoctoral Fellowships” Action of the Horizon Europe, whose proposals were eligible for funding, but did not manage to secure a grant due to budget exhaustion and received a Seal of Excellence.
The Host Organisation is the Cypriot Research Organisation, Enterprise or Other Organisation.
Proposals can be submitted in two categories as follows:
Path 1: Project coordinators can be researchers whose proposals “Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions” – European Postdoctoral Fellowships received a Seal of Excellence from the EU (score ≥ 85/100), but, due to the exhaustion of the budget they were not funded by the European Commission and the Host Organisation was a Research Organisation, Enterprise, or Other Organisation from Cyprus that would host the Researcher for the implementation of the project in Cyprus.
Path 2: Project Coordinators can be researchers whose “Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions” – European Postdoctoral Fellowships proposals received a Seal of Excellence from the EU (score ≥ 85/100), but, due to budget exhaustion they were not funded by the European Commission and the Host Organisation was in another EU country and has been replaced by an organisation in Cyprus that will host the Researcher for the implementation of the project in Cyprus, provided that the mobility criterion of the MSCA is fulfilled. It is noted that the researcher should work and implement the project at the Host Organisation in Cyprus. The original Host Organisation may participate as a Foreign Research Organisation in the proposal, if deemed necessary.
The participation of Foreign Research Organisations is only allowed in case the proposal to the EU has an Original Host Organization outside Cyprus and the Foreign Research Organisations will be that Organisation.
The participation of Partner Organisations is only allowed in the case there is an industry placement in Cyprus (Enterprises or Other Organisations).
The relevant EC’s Letter regarding the evaluation result of a proposal must be dated after the announcement date of the “Horizon 2020 – 2nd Opportunity -MSCA” Call for Proposals. This condition forms a criterion of the eligibility check.
Priority: Competitive, Smart and Digital Economy
Policy Objective: A More Competitive and Smarter Europe
Project Type: Grant Scheme
Geographical area covered by the call: Cyprus
Thematic Category: Strengthening Research & Innovation
MAXIMUM FUNDING PER PROJECT: €150.000 or €170.000 for proposals that include Industry Placement in Cyprus.
BENEFICIARIES: Research Organisations, Enterprises, Other Organisations
SPECIFIC RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS FOR PARTICIPATION: are presented in the detailed description of the call.
Research and Innovation Foundation
Τelephone: 22205000
European Regional Development Fund