Horizon Europe – 2nd Opportunity EIC


Programme Category

National Grant Schemes

Programme Name

Research & Innovation Foundation Programmes

Programme Description

In this section you may find information on National Schemes published by the Cyprus Research and Innovation Foundation (formerly know as the Research Promotion Foundation – RPF).


Programme Details

Identifier Code



Horizon Europe – 2nd Opportunity EIC


«Horizon Europe – 2 nd Opportunity EIC» Programme aims to provide a second opportunity to enterprises that have submitted proposals in the frame of the EIC Accelerator Programme of the «Horizon Europe» Programme of the EU, which either have been awarded with a Seal of Excellence or they were rejected in the final evaluation stage (face-to-face interviews) of the Programme, in order to improve their Proposals and reapply for EU funding through the Programme.

More specifically, the Programme aims to support beneficiaries to address weaknesses/shortcomings of the original proposals submitted to the EIC Accelerator and to improve the technological and commercial readiness of the innovative idea.

Detailed Call Description

Through the «Horizon Europe – 2nd Opportunity EIC» Programme enterprises that have awarded with a Seal of Excellence in the frame of the «EIC Accelerator» or they were rejected in the final evaluation stage (face-to face interviews) of the Programme are supported, in order to improve weaknesses or possible shortcomings of their original proposals and to resubmit them in the «EIC Accelerator» Programme with higher chances of success.

It is noted that, organisations that have been rejected in the final stage of the «EIC Accelerator», following a decision by the EIC Jury, may resubmit their proposals in the second (Full-Proposal) or the third (Face-to-Face Interviews) evaluation stage of the Programme.

The «Horizon Europe – 2nd Opportunity EIC» in the frame of the RIF funded Projects, covers the implementation of experimental development research activities which may include prototype development, demonstration, pilots, testing and validation of new or improved innovative products / services, which aim to improve the technological readiness level of the innovation.

The Programme also coversinnovation activities, which may include the purchase of consulting services and innovation support services, which aim to further develop the innovative business idea towards a more commercial-ready product or service. Through the Programme, the project team’s involvement in activities relevant to implementation of feasibility study of the project, as well as Marketing and Communication activities, are also supported.

Further details:



OPPTY_EIC_0323_GfERsOPPTY_EIC_0323_PART B_Technical Annex

Call Total Budget

€1 500 000

Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan

Up to €500 000

The Aid Intensity of the Host Organisation for Experimental Development Activities and Feasibility Study is calculated according to the provisions of Chapter 3.2 of the present Work Programme. Aid Intensity for Innovation Activities is 50%, and for activities to be funded as DeMinimis Aid is 100%. Furthermore, Aid Intensity for Large Enterprises, as Host Organisations, for Innovation Activities which will be funded as De Minimis Aid will be 50%.


Thematic Categories

  • Small-Medium Enterprises and Competitiveness

Eligibility for Participation

  • Large Enterprises
  • Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
  • State-owned Enterprises

Eligibility For Participation Notes



The Host Organisation (HO) of a project must be a Small, Medium or Large Sized Enterprise (B1, B2, B3).

The participation of Partner Organisations and Foreign Research Organisations is not permitted.

The date of the EU Notification Letter to the participants, on the evaluation result for their proposal, should be later than the announcement date of the present Call for Proposals of the Programme «Horizon Europe – 2nd Opportunity EIC». It is noted that condition will be a preliminary check criterion.

After the Project completion, the resubmission of the proposal to the «EIC Accelerator», at the appropriate evaluation stage indicated by the EIC Jury, is obligatory, at the latest fifteen (15) months from the date of the communication of the evaluation results by the EU. Otherwise, the HO will be requested to return funding awarded back to the RIF. The RIF will request the submission of relevant proofs to justify the resubmission of the proposal.

All beneficiaries that have not previously participated in the RESTART 2026-2020 Programmes, should make use of the simplified cost Method «Standard Scales of Unit Costs» for the calculation of personnel costs.

Each Enterprise can receive funding from the RIF for only one Project in the frame of the Programme during the 2022-2027 period.

Funding of same activities that have already been supported by the RIF in the frame of previous funded projects, is not allowed.

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


National Contact Point(s)

RIF’s Partner Support Center

Telephone: 22205000
Email: support@research.org.cy.

(Publish Date: 23/03/2023-for internal use only)