This call is seeking to fund projects that can make a difference, at local, national or international scale and particularly interested in applications that propose novel, less explored participatory roles for citizens and other key stakeholders, and that engage with marginalised, underrepresented or disadvantaged groups.
This open accelerator call is for funding and supportingcitizen science initiativesaddressing the IMPETUS challenge. For this first open call, the two topics are Healthy Planet and Cities for Life.
Submission for the IMPETUS Accelerator will be online via the EasyChair platform.
Applications which engage citizens in scientific activities producing new results, which are of mutual benefit to citizen scientists and project administrators alike will be prioritised.
The two types of call grants are:
Projects that are no more than six months into their citizen science journey and are yet to establish a community and/or data collection and processing procedures can apply. It is expected that 30 projects will be funded under this call.
Projects that are more advanced, with established processes, an engaged community, and initial evidence of impact, can apply. It is expected these grants to be awarded for the continuation, enhancing of impact, and/or further establishment of existing projects. It is expected that 5 projects will be funded under this call.
For the IMPETUS call, in order to be eligible, the applicants can be: individuals, legal entities and consortia established in a country or territory in the European Research Area. This includes the European Union, all overseas countries and territories linked to EU member states and all third countries associated to or currently negotiating an association agreement with Horizon Europe.
For consortia: all applicants must be eligible.
They must choose a lead who will submit the application and engage with IMPETUS on their behalf.
Every entity is allowed to participate in one application, either on its own or as part of a consortium.
(Date of publishing: 24/02/2023)