Prerogatives are tasks resulting from specific powers directly conferred by the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) to the European Commission.
The prerogatives budget lines managed by the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion deal with social dialogue, labour mobility as well as analysis of the social situation, demographics and the family.
The objective of this call is to promote analysis and research on industrial relations, at EU level as well as in comparative terms (identifying convergences and differences in the industrial relations systems in place in the EU Member States and in Candidate Countries), thereby contributing and promoting exchange of information and experience among the parties actively involved in industrial relations, with the aim of contributing to developing and reinforcing industrial relations structures in Europe.
This Call targets the following categories of actions:
Analysis and research in the field of industrial relations, such as:
Exchange of information and experience among the parties actively involved in industrial relations, with the aim of contributing to developing and reinforcing industrial relations structures in Europe. This will be acheived by taking measures in order to identify and exchange information in the area of industrial relations, including through the activities of networks between industrial relations parties and/or experts.
Actions to disseminate above findings in publications, round tables, seminars, conferences, training measures and training tools.
A project’s budget is expected to range between €150,000 and €650,000.
The Commission expects to fund between 10 and 25 proposals.
90% and the indirect cost flat-rate is 7% of the eligible direct costs.
Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion:
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