The EMFAF supports the EU common fisheries policy (CFP), the EU maritime policy and the EU agenda for international ocean governance. It provides support for developing innovative projects ensuring that aquatic and maritime resources are used sustainably.
The fund helps achieve sustainable fisheries and conserve marine biological resources. This leads to:
The main objective of this Call is to promote the development and/or the strengthening of the scientific knowledge needed to support the science-basis for fisheries conservation and management measures. The priorities related to this call are the reinforcement of policy-oriented fisheries science, the better use of the collected scientific data, the improved cooperation between scientists and the fisheries sector, and the contribution in supporting the EU scientific community in developing and maintaining the relevant expertise to provide high quality scientific advice.
Proposals should focus on at least one of the themes below:
The following activities can be funded under this call (non-exhaustive list):
In addition, projects should develop networking activities between EU scientists and/or with EU fishing industry (e.g. multidisciplinary analysis, workshops, benchmark meetings, stakeholders’ consultations, networking of existing samples, etc.).
Project budgets (maximum grant amount) are expected to range between €400 000 and €600 000 per project.
The number of proposals expected to be funded is up to 7.
In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must:
For more information, please contact the EU Contact Point.
Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA)
Telephone: +32 (0)2 299 5252
(Publish Date: 03/04/2023-for internal use only)