Prerogatives are tasks resulting from specific powers directly conferred by the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) to the European Commission.
The prerogatives budget lines managed by the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion deal with social dialogue, labour mobility as well as analysis of the social situation, demographics and the family.
This call aims at strengthening the capacity of workers’ organisations (both in Member States and candidate countries) to address, at EU/transnational level, challenges related to changes in employment and working conditions as well as challenges related to their effective participation in social dialogue.
Actions that address the following themes will be particularly welcome:
Other relevant themes for this call are:
The types of activities which may be funded under this call for proposals include: conferences, seminars, round tables, studies, surveys, publications, training courses, development of training tools, the setting up of networks and the development and exchange of best practices.
Activities funded under this call for proposals should respect the gender equality and anti-discrimination principles.
Access for people with disabilities shall be guaranteed.
Definitions used in the context of this call:
Project budgets (maximum grant amount) are expected to range between €150.000 and €700.000 per project.
This does not however preclude the submission/selection of proposals requesting other amounts. The grant awarded may be lower than the amount requested.
In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries, affiliated entities and associated partners) must:
Consortium composition
Applications by both single applicants and consortia are allowed.
Single applicants:
Consortia applicants
Proposals must be submitted by a consortium of at least two applicants (beneficiaries; not affiliated entities), which complies with the following conditions:
At least one of the organisations mentioned in the above paragraph must participate as other beneficiary, while the other(s) can participate as other beneficiary, affiliated entity(ies) of the coordinator or other beneficiary or associated partner(s).
Eligible activities:
Applications will only be considered eligible if their content corresponds wholly (or at least in part) to the topic description for which they are submitted.
Eligible activities are the ones set out in section 2 above.
Projects must comply with EU policy interests and priorities (such as environment, social, security, industrial and trade policy, etc). Projects must also respect EU values and European Commission policy regarding reputational matters (e.g. activities involving capacity building, policy support, awareness raising, communication, dissemination, etc).
Financial support to third parties is not allowed.
Geographic location (target countries): Proposals must relate to the activities taking place in the eligible countries (see above).
Non-IT related questions should be sent to the following email address: call-specific questions: