The Information Measures for the EU Cohesion Policy Programme supports the Cohesion Policy by funding measures that provide information about it while enabling a more informed debate about future priorities for the EU and on the way how the funding should be used and with what results.
The main aim of the present call is to provide support for the production and dissemination of information and content linked to EU Cohesion policy, including inter alia the Just Transition Fund, or relevant support under the Recovery Plan for Europe or from the Technical Support Instrument.
The proposals should illustrate and assess the role of Cohesion policy in delivering the EU’s political priorities and in addressing current and future challenges for the EU, its Member States, its regions and the local level.
The information measures should include one or several activities such as: production and distribution of print, multimedia or audiovisual material, web and social media outreach activities, media events and conferences, seminars, workshops.
The target public for the information measures is the general public and/or related stakeholders. For the general public, the objective is to raise public awareness of the results of Cohesion policy and their impact on citizens’ lives to Europeans who are unaware of the EU and of the EU action in their region. Information should focus on developing greater understanding of the contribution of Cohesion policy to boosting jobs and growth in Europe and reducing disparities among Member States and regions.
Project budgets (maximum grant amount) are expected to be around €300 000 per project.
In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must:
For stakeholders, the objective is to engage with stakeholders (including national, regional and local authorities, beneficiaries, businesses, academia) to further communicate the impact of Cohesion policy on their regions and to feed into the discussion on the future of Cohesion policy and, more broadly, the future of Europe.
For help related to this call, please contact: