Studies and / or works on inland waterways, related to:
- upgrade of waterways and related infrastructure such as locks and weirs/dams in order to achieve stable or improved navigation conditions, performance and/or more capacity for the passage of vessels or to ensure good navigation status;
- creation of new waterways and related infrastructure (locks, weirs/dams, bridges);
- construction/lifting/upgrading of locks and movable bridges, to improve the passage of vessels and convoys;
- automation of waterway infrastructure (e.g. locks, weirs/dams, bridges) to improve its operation and monitoring;
- increasing of under-bridge clearance;
- ensuring year-round navigability e.g. by means of hydrological services, icebreaking facilities and capital dredging;
- waterside infrastructure including the creation and/or upgrade of infrastructure for mooring and waterborne operations along a waterway and/or shoreside electricity installations. This waterside infrastructure can also concern transhipment sites located on the TEN-T Network which are not included in Annex II.2 of the TEN-T Regulation (EU) n°1315/2013, limited to infrastructure enabling ship to shore loading/unloading and shoreside electricity;
- interconnection between inland waterways and maritime transport.
Studies and / or works on TEN-T core inland ports, related to:
- access, including safe access through navigational aids, of inland ports to inland waterways;
- basic and water-side infrastructure in inland ports, including shore-side electricity supply;
- port reception facilities for oil and other waste (including residues from exhaust gas cleaning systems) and infrastructure for degassing vessels to meet environmental requirements;
- providing or improving road/rail access and connections within inland ports;
- ensuring year-round navigability by means of e.g. hydrological services, icebreaking facilities and dredging of the port and port approaches.