Innovative co-electrolysis systems and integration with downstream processes


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

Clean Hydrogen JOINT UNDERTAKING (Clean Hydrogen JU)

Programme Description

The Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking or Clean Hydrogen Partnership is a unique public-private partnership supporting research and innovation (R&I) activities in hydrogen technologies in Europe. It builds upon the success of its predecessor, the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking.

Programme Details

Identifier Code



Innovative co-electrolysis systems and integration with downstream processes


Proposals under this topic should aim to accelerate the development of the co-electrolysis technology and its integration into real chemical synthesis process by proving the concept and the overall efficiency of the coupling between the co-electrolyser and the downstream process, mainly the catalytic reactor for the chemical synthesis. They should also contribute to resolving additional technological challenges on low-TRL level (cell/stack/stack module technology) to improve the stack operations for direct downstream process integration (downstream gas purity and composition, pressurised conditions) and the core technology impacting more drastically the lifetime (hence OPEX cost contribution) compared to steam electrolysis.

Detailed Call Description

Overall, the expected outcomes of integrating innovative co-electrolysis systems with downstream processes encompass improvements in efficiency, cost-effectiveness, environmental sustainability, technological advancement, and market competitiveness.

The project should cover the following elements:

  • Adapt core technology and cell design to increase the robustness in the identified operating conditions and gas composition;
  • Screening at cell or short-stack level different catalysts and operational parameters to achieve the required H2/CO ratio for further downstream processing including pressure, temperature, reactant purity. Investigation should encompass not only performances but also prevention of coke formation in the stack, stack module, system and afterwards;
  • Assessing the optimal operating conditions of the co-electrolyser and of the downstream process at the scale of a short stack over durations above 3000h, with the aim of ensuring an optimised coupling of the two technologies, considering:
    • heat recovery from the fuel synthesis process in the co-electrolysis unit (steam generation, gas preheating, etc.);
    • the most effective strategy for cleaning up produced syngas, if necessary;
  • Design integrated co-electrolyser and downstream reactor with ad hoc BoP to increase global efficiency and promote syngas production stability, supported by simulation tools and experimental validation. The study should analyse the effects of transient and off-design operation of the system, encompassing both startup and shutdownprocesses. Technological and economical impacts of recirculation of separated streams such as water (steam) and carbon dioxide have to be considered;
  • Demonstrating the coupling at a relevant scale (size of the co-electrolyser >15 kW) between the co-electrolyser and the downstream reactor and evaluate its performance and durability over 2000 h minimum;
  • Conducting a techno-economic and life cycle impacts analysis and a preliminary study of safety aspects of the integrated system.

Costs related to downstream process unit design and development will not be funded and the coupling should be performed in a location where such a reactor is available at the adequate size for a good matching with the co-electrolyser. An electrolyser manufacturer should be involved in the consortium for this topic. Participation of industrial partners in the integration downstream and valorisation of the co-electrolysis product is expected.

Call Total Budget


Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan

Expected EU contribution: €4.000.000

Thematic Categories

  • Energy
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation

Eligibility for Participation

  • Other Beneficiaries
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


EU Contact Point

Phone number: +32 22218148

Postal address: Avenue de la Toison d’Or 56-60, 1060 Brussels, Belgium