Innovative hydrogen and solid carbon production from renewable gases/biogenic waste processes


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

Clean Hydrogen JOINT UNDERTAKING (Clean Hydrogen JU)

Programme Description

The Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking or Clean Hydrogen Partnership is a unique public-private partnership supporting research and innovation (R&I) activities in hydrogen technologies in Europe. It builds upon the success of its predecessor, the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking.

Programme Details

Identifier Code



Innovative hydrogen and solid carbon production from renewable gases/biogenic waste processes


The transformation of bio-based gases into hydrogen will provide a decarbonised fuel, avoiding implementing CO2 capture stages in industrial or energy processes. Methods to achieve such transformation are very diverse. They may be included in a family of processes of different nature comprising alternative energy transfer methods based on renewables (e.g., microwave, thermal and non-thermal plasma, induction, shockwave, radiation heating, direct thermal heating by several methods as Concentrated Solar Platform or molecular oxidation), and reactor designs (e.g., bubble column, plug, fluidised-bed, packed-bed, pulse tube, tubular, fluid wall, honeycomb monolith, moving carbon-bed, rotary kiln and others). These also involve combining these methods and the use or absence of catalysts, including innovative separation devices for enhanced purification and efficiency.
This topic focuses on innovative hydrogen and solid carbon production from renewable gases/biogenic waste processes.

Detailed Call Description

Proposals are expected to show feasible significant advances (up to TRL 7) respect to previous Horizon Europe projects ColdPSark and Storming with a significant amount of carbon material production (for instance, > 50% of the initial carbon in the material input). Current running projects are in the right track and show the potential of the technology by the announced development up to TRL5 of non-thermal plasma, thermal catalytic, and microwave heated biomethane splitting into hydrogen and solid carbon. Such carbon material may be characterised to evaluate valuable applications, such as carbon black for the tyre industry, active carbon materials for batteries, electrodes and supercapacitors, metallurgic coke, agricultural application of carbonaceous materials, soil recovery, input material for high quality carbon products, as graphene or graphite, or any other of interest; that should be included into the evaluation of the technical, economic and societal impact of the proposal outcome.

The presence of impurities in the inlet gas stream, for instance, in the biomethane or biogas input to the process, should play a role and thus are expected to be addressed in the proposal, discussing the need for upgrading through advanced techniques for separation, methanation or any other subprocess. Furthermore, a project should address the processing of suitable gas products, including separating and purifying hydrogen from undesirable by-products. Other technological issues, such as coke deposition, carbon-hydrogen separation, hydrogen-selectivity, catalyst deactivation and lifetime, catalyst regeneration, or quality of the products and their applications, are expected to be investigated and the practical solutions implemented at a large scale. The project should demonstrate a functional process producing 30 kgH2/h (approx. 1 MWH2 based on Low Heating Value (LHV)) with a purity acceptable for a direct application (99.97 % according to ISO 14687), or acceptable to H2 network and industries (a purity above 98% for ISO/FDIS 14687 – Grade A)) and report significant testing time as to show operational availability and stability for industrial implementation (for instance, 3,000 h). If needed to derisk technology scale up, proposals are allowed to build intermediate steps (for instance, a facility around 100 kWH2 under industrial relevant conditions) within the program to reach the TRL7 target.

Proposals should consider different feedstocks and routes to identify the most relevant ones from a technical and economical point of view as well as a techno-economic analysis of the technology at scale. Furthermore, proposals should also address sustainability and circularity aspects through a life cycle assessment (compatible with current efforts on carbon footprint analysis, for instance well-to-wheels as defined by Renewable Energy Directive (REDII)) of the proposed technology, which should demonstrate a significant reduction of CO2 emissions (and negative in certain circumstances) for both hydrogen and carbon products (kgCO2/kgH2, kgCO2/kgC) at large scale, including a cost analysis to see the impact of higher hydrogen purity requirements. Different feedstocks and methods may be included in the sustainability analysis. In addition, a critical raw material assessment should be considered if relevant. The integration with other processes should be showcased, particularly for hard-to-abate sectors. are outside the scope of this topic.

As relevant, synergies should also be explored with the activities and projects supported by the Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking.

Proposals are expected to demonstrate the contribution to EU competitiveness and industrial leadership of the activities to be funded including but not limited to the origin of the equipment and components as well infrastructure purchased and built during the project. These aspects will be evaluated and monitored during the project implementation.

It is expected that Guarantees of origin (GOs) will be used to prove the renewable character of the hydrogen that is produced.

Proposals should provide a preliminary draft on ‘hydrogen safety planning and management’ at the project level, which will be further updated during project implementation.

Call Total Budget


Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan

Expected EU contribution: €8.000.000

Thematic Categories

  • Energy
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation

Eligibility for Participation

  • Other Beneficiaries
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions

Eligibility For Participation Notes

Eligibility criteria apply: At least one partner in the consortium must be a member of either Hydrogen Europe or Hydrogen Europe Research.

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


EU Contact Point

Phone number: +32 22218148

Postal address: Avenue de la Toison d’Or 56-60, 1060 Brussels, Belgium