Το EBRAINS is a collaborative digital European Research Infrastructure that enhances and accelerates progress in neuroscience and brain health. Emerging from the Human Brain Project (HBP). EBRAINS represents an ecosystem where researchers, clinicians, and experts from diverse disciplines work together to explore and understand brain complexity. This includes analysis from the molecular and cellular levels to the functioning of the entire organ.
This call seeks to engage the scientific and research community to integrate models of the brain vascular tree with the human brain atlas in EBRAINS. It encourage submissions that bring in 3D reconstructions of the vessel tree from vascular images which can be spatially aligned to one of the reference template spaces provided by EBRAINS to combine them with the structural and functional parcellations in EBRAINS and link them to other findings such as structural and functional neuroimaging, cytoarchitectonics or molecular data. With the integration EBRAINS aim to enhance the usability and accessibility of the vasculature models for neuroscientific studies, and further increase the clinical relevance of EBRAINS human brain atlas. The call focuses on integrating existing data with EBRAINS and does not support new data acquisitions. However, incoming datasets might require additional curation effort and adaptation of the metadata to be compatible with the existing infrastructure and might have to be adapted in collaboration with the EBRAINS consortium partner.
The proposal must outline the status and scope of the data to be integrated, as well as the strategies envisioned to anchor the data to one of the reference spaces or parcellations for the Human Brain Atlas. This should comprise a detailed description of the data resources, including the type, variety and format of measurements that will be integrated, the information available for spatial localisation of these measurements, and the quantity and distribution of the data across the brain. It should also explain the strategy for hosting the data, in particular whether the data will be shared as a public dataset in EBRAINS or linked from an existing online repository.
This Call is open to:
Applicants had to be established in the EU Member States or Horizon Europe-Associated Countries.
The evaluation process adheres to the Guidelines from Horizon Europe.
For any questions on the submission procedure, please contact EBRAINS at opencalls@ebrains.eu.