Large scale demonstration of European H2 Heavy Duty Vehicle along the TEN-T corridors


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name


Programme Description

The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (hereinafter “EuroHPC JU”), will contribute to the ambition of value creation in the Union with the overall mission to develop, deploy, extend and maintain in the Union an integrated world class supercomputing and quantum computing infrastructure and to develop and support a highly competitive and innovative High Performance Computing (HPC) ecosystem, extreme scale, power-efficient and highly resilient HPC and data technologies.

Programme Details

Identifier Code



Large scale demonstration of European H2 Heavy Duty Vehicle along the TEN-T corridors


This flagship topic aims to address all of the aspects above mentioned via the deployment of a large fleet of fuel cell HDV across several countries and use cases. The end goal is to make hydrogen for Heavy-Duty applications economical viable without funding’s in the next 5-10 years. The FCH JU funded StasHH project aims to define a standardised fuel cell module in order to facilitate growth and economy of scale.

Detailed Call Description

This sense this project represents a critical step in that direction. It will initiate and substantially accelerate the initial cost reduction of fuel cells trucks by enabling the relevant supply chains to reach critical mass, which in turn will accelerate the attainment of the Total Costs of Ownership (TCO) competitiveness.
As enabler, heavy-duty, long-haul truck has proven to be the ideal market-segment for doing this. It is often forgotten that the market size, combined with the total energy consumption, and a high potential to generate (concentrated) vehicle fleets, provides the ideal situation to function as a flywheel for other markets. Current market research is expecting 100,000 vehicles in 2030 and growing to >100,000 hydrogen trucks per year (representing 25-30% of the yearly truck sales).

In total 16 trucks will be deployed in the H2Haul project. As seen in comparable markets, such as public transport, a logical transition step for operators is to start with a demonstrator, then move to a small series and towards a first fleet of 20 to 40 vehicles, before they have fully embraced the technology as a ‘normal’ alternative. These single fleets will drive the OEM and suppliers forward as they need to work in parallel to be able to provide the right product and service proposition.

Therefore, the next step (before hydrogen trucks can be delivered at large scale in the Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEI projects) are the flagships projects: allowing the truck agglomerates (OEM) to have a hydrogen truck ready for sale in limited numbers and to integrate the hydrogen truck as platform in their product line and service organisation. Furthermore, the data collected in such a flagship project is key to allow truck manufacturers and transport companies to strengthen and validate the operational and financial viability of hydrogen trucks for daily operation.

Proposals should contain a calendar clearly defining the key phases of the implementation of the action (i.e. preparation of the specifications of trucks and HRS, manufacturing, deployment and operation) and their duration. Proposals should foresee enough time for monitoring and assessment. In that respect proposals are therefore encouraged to put forward ambitious deployment plans including the deployment of a significant percentage of the fleet within the first 2 years of the action, in order to fully unlock the potential of European FCH solutions in the HD segment and contribute to the EU CO2 emission standards for new heavy-duty vehicles (EU 2019/1242) targets.

The maximum Clean Hydrogen JU contribution that may be requested is EUR 30.00 million – proposals requesting Clean Hydrogen JU contributions above this amount will not be evaluated.

Call Total Budget


Thematic Categories

  • Energy
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation

Eligibility for Participation

  • Central Government
  • Large Enterprises
  • Private Bodies
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions
  • State-owned Enterprises

Eligibility For Participation Notes

At least one partner in the consortium must be a member of either Hydrogen Europe or Hydrogen Europe Research.

A number of non-EU/non-Associated Countries that are not automatically eligible for funding have made specific provisions for making funding available for their participants in Horizon Europe projects. See the information in the Horizon Europe Programme Guide.

An additional eligibility criterion has been introduced to limit the Clean Hydrogen JU requested contribution mostly for actions performed at high TRL level, including demonstration in real operation environment and with important involvement from industrial stakeholders and/or end users such as public authorities. Such actions are expected to leverage co-funding as commitment from stakeholders. It is of added value that such leverage is shown through the private investment in these specific topics.

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


EU Contact Point


(Publish Date: 06/04/2022-for internal use only)