The Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking or Clean Hydrogen Partnership is a unique public-private partnership supporting research and innovation (R&I) activities in hydrogen technologies in Europe. It builds upon the success of its predecessor, the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking.
The scope of this flagship topic is to develop and demonstrate a large-scale Hydrogen Valley. It could demonstrate a combination of technologies either in existing and/or new markets for clean hydrogen, especially when applications are used in symbiose with each other.
This topic should demonstrate innovative approaches at system level: global and synergetic integration of hydrogen production, distribution and end-uses technologies. It should also seek integration within a broader energy system, considering elements such as renewable energy production, gas and electricity grid, digitalisation, etc. Technologies demonstrated should be state of the art following technology development previously funded by (but not limited to) the JU.
The proposals will demonstrate as follows the impact and replicability:
Proposals should:
EU Contribution per project: € 20,000,000
Number of proposals: 1
Applicants should provide a funding plan to ensure implementation of the project in synergies with other sources of funding. If no other sources of funding will be required, this should be stated clearly in the proposal, with a commitment from the partners to provide own funding. If additional sources of funding will be required, proposals should present a clear plan on which funding programmes at either EU (e.g. Structural Funds, Just Transition Fund, Innovation Fund, Connecting Europe Facility, etc.) or national levels will be targeted – In these cases, applicants should present a credible planning that includes forecasted funding programmes and their expected time of commitment.
Phone number: +32 22218148
Postal address: Avenue de la Toison d’Or 56-60, 1060 Brussels, Belgium
(Publish Date: 02/03/2023-for internal use only)