Media actions


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

European Parliament Programme

Programme Description

Actions will support the Parliament’s strategic engagement process in view of the European Elections 2024, including the growth of the community and the activation of other Parliament’s networks both at local and headquarters levels

Programme Details

Identifier Code



Media actions


The objective of the call is to co-finance media actions by news agencies television channels, radio stations, digital media and written press.

Digital media includes both digital-only media and digital platforms of other media, including content creators that develop news reports and articles, interviews etc. to be distributed on social media platforms.

Detailed Call Description

These media actions should have a two-fold objective:

  • Provide regular, reliable, pluralistic and non-partisan information on the political and legislative work of the European Parliament, including information on the implementation of EU legislation, emphasizing its implications in the European citizen’s daily lives. Actions can also include monitoring on the implementation of EU legislation.
  • Contribute to resilience in society against disinformation and information manipulation through awareness raising, fact-checking and media literacy.

Applicants must describe in detail in their proposals how they plan to fulfil this two-fold objective.

Proposals must be clearly and well-defined, researched and fully developed taking all time schedule and budget considerations into account.

The potential reach, audience and impact of the action in terms of contributing to raise citizen’s awareness about the European Parliament, to ensure wide dissemination and geographical balance, are key criteria for awarding the grants.

The actions should be multi-platform with an integration of channels including innovative media and formats.

Applicants must prove their current levels of audience in their proposals.

Audience outside the 27 EU Member States will not be considered an asset.

In assessing the reach, audience and impact, the following elements will be looked at:

  • new action or fitting into an existing successful format,
  • number of programmes, articles, videos, posts, podcasts, infographics , etc.,
  • length of segment in programmes and length of articles etc. devoted to EP / EU
  • airing days and times / publication days and section,
  • strategies of distribution and dissemination beyond owned channels,
  • reach via social media (inter alia: Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, etc.),
  • number of times MEPs feature in the action
  • strategy to contribute to resilience against disinformation and misinformation

Activities that can be funded: Examples of supported activities are provided under section 6.5 Eligible activities.

Complete editorial freedom will be given to the grant beneficiaries, who must, in turn, guarantee:

  • Respect for the values stated in Article 2 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU), namely human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, pluralism, the rule of law and the respect for human rights, including the rights of the persons belonging to minorities.
  • Independence of any public or private instruction, pressure or request – stemming, for example, from any EU institution, EU Member State or any other State or institution – in all matters concerning editorial choices (incl. content) concerning the action activities.

The proposed activities will follow general principles such as transparency, nondiscrimination, accuracy, pluralism and independence, including general principles of editorial independence and high journalistic standards in all respects, including quality standards as well as ethical standards, and will provide multiple and plural viewpoints when implementing the action.

Call Total Budget

€5 million

Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan

The maximum co-financing is 60% of the action’s eligible costs actually incurred by the beneficiary and its affiliated entities.

The indicative maximum grant amount per project is expected to be between €30.000 and €150.000.

The grant will take the form of the reimbursement of a specified proportion of eligible costs actually incurred. This means that it will reimburse ONLY certain types of costs (eligible costs) and ONLY costs you actually incurred by the beneficiary and its affiliated entities, if any, in relation to the project (NOT the budgeted costs).

The costs will be reimbursed at the funding rate fixed in the grant agreement.

Thematic Categories

  • Audiovisual sector and Media

Eligibility for Participation

  • Legal Entities
  • Other Beneficiaries
  • Private Bodies

Eligibility For Participation Notes

The actions supported under this call are mono-beneficiary actions. This means that only proposals submitted by one single legal entity are eligible. Proposals submitted by a consortium of partners are not eligible.

To be eligible for a grant, applicants must be able to demonstrate that they are:

  • A private legal person constituted and registered as legal entity for at least two years at the time of application;
  • A legal person established in one of the Member States of the European Union;
  • A legal person with no political affiliation.

Proposals by pan-European associations (pan-European association means, for the purpose of this call, an organisation operating in most or all EU Member States) or networks of media should provide a clear commitment from each of the members participating in the action to publish or broadcast part or the totality of the media content produced by the association or network.

Other entities that may participate in the action are affiliated entities (see section 6.3 of the call document) and subcontractors.

Non-eligible participants – The following entities are not eligible:

  • natural persons;
  • international organisations and EU bodies;
  • public authorities and governmental organisation and bodies.

In line with the non-political affiliation criteria (see section 6.1 of the call document), entities in which Members of the European Parliament hold executive functions on their administrative Board or any other executive body of their organisation, are ineligible under the call. The same applies for entities that qualify as a political party active at European, national, regional or local level, as well as for their youth organisation or foundations.

Specific cases Affiliated entities are allowed under the following conditions:

  • legal entities
  • having a legal or capital link with applicants,
  • which is neither limited to the action nor established for the sole purpose of its implementation (e.g. members of networks, federations, trade unions).

Affiliated entities may take part in the action and declare eligible costs.

Affiliated entities are allowed on the condition that they satisfy the eligibility and nonexclusion criteria of an applicant.

Supporting documents proving the legal link between the applicant and the affiliated entity – if not provided with the application – will be requested during the evaluation phase of the application.

Eligible Member States: Entities from all EU Member States are eligible.

Eligible activities: To be eligible, the activities and projects must meet the objectives and principles of this call and take the appropriate form as set out in section 2. Applications will only be considered eligible if their content corresponds, wholly or in part, to section 2 and this section.

Supported activities may include, but are not limited to:

  • TV shows or parts of them, including integration of slots in shows with established viewing figures or in peak times; audience outside the EU is not considered in the evaluation.
  • Radio programmes, including integration of slots in programmes with established airing figures or in peak times; audience outside EU27 is not considered an asset.
  • Reports, news, opinion articles, blogs, debates, interviews, etc. (both in multimedia and written formats), including actions targeting EU-based citizens in non-EU languages.
  • Multimedia actions with high views and engagement rates, including distribution via social media, engagement and other forms of interaction with public, including actions targeting EU-based citizens in non-EU languages.
  • Actions with a trans-European dimension (cooperation of different media across Europe).
  • Actions that contribute to fact-checking and to counter disinformation, providing a high level of audience, including actions targeting EU-based citizens in non-EU languages.
  • Polls, data visualisation, surveys and other forms of visual and interactive communication.

The proposals can combine several of these activities in order to amplify their reach.

Involvement of Members of the European Parliament must be politically balanced.

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


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