Modelling regulatory sandbox mechanisms and enabling their deployment to support breakthrough innovation


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

Innovative Health Initiative

Programme Description

IHI JU is based on the idea that interdisciplinary and cross-sector collaboration will enable perspective and breakthrough innovations in healthcare, including the pharmaceutical industry but also new fields such as biopharmaceuticals, medical technologies and biotechnologies.

Programme Details

Identifier Code



Modelling regulatory sandbox mechanisms and enabling their deployment to support breakthrough innovation


The overall aim of this IHI topic is to contribute to the progression and successful implementation of regulatory sandboxes for healthcare innovations by developing a comprehensive and shared understanding of their value and process of implementation. The topic should also enable the development of a cross-sectoral community of stakeholders including pharma and medical device companies, regulators, and health technology assessment bodies (HTAs), among other stakeholders.

The first-stage deadline for the submission of short proposals under all topics is 10 October 2024, 17h00 (Brussels time). The second-stage deadline for the submission of full proposals under all topics is 23 April 2025, 17h00 (Brussels time).

Detailed Call Description

Regulatory sandboxes should be able to experiment and draw on several relevant healthcare innovation related frameworks other than pharmaceutical products (i.e. medical devices, in-vitro diagnostics, AI, digital health technologies, and substances of human origin among others).

The proposal should:

1. Scan the horizon for potential sandbox candidates including how sandboxes provide an additional tool to existing frameworks, and use the examples identified to model the process.

To this end, a key objective is to identify a number of healthcare innovation case studies to better understand how a regulatory sandbox could be used to solve further-defined challenges at an existing regulation level and inform recommendations for end-to-end operations. These cases could draw from the past, present and from horizon scanning activities (the EMA’s work in this area already provides a hint) to anticipate future innovations, looking across their development value chain.

2. Analyse how regulatory sandboxes can drive science and health technology innovation in an evolving environment.

The proposal should do this by:

  • anticipating consequences for health technology development under a regulatory sandbox mechanism, acknowledging its time-limited scope and the consequences (considering the technical particularities of healthcare innovation) for other downstream activities e.g., standardisation, health technology assessment;
  • proactively identifying any guardrails and mitigation measures.

3. Develop recommendations for end-to-end operations of regulatory sandboxes to inform healthcare innovation developers, regulators and downstream decision makers.

The proposal should do this by:

  • mapping out conceptual elements and operationalisation features of future sandbox mechanisms based on existing experiences in other fields such as governance, conditions fostering dialogue and collaboration, access to the right type of expertise, support, regulatory customisation, sharing/communicating lessons learned and their translation via the appropriate frameworks into new standards, among other elements to be further defined;
  • modelling how to operationalise the sandbox(es) (including governance, operations, principles) and how they could be used in healthcare innovation development and evaluation in conjunction with existing regulatory mechanisms to advance innovation at European and national levels.

Part of the topic entails modelling a regulatory sandbox. The proposal should therefore consider good practices for designing and evaluating the necessary operating models to ensure the robustness and future applicability of the output of the project.

The project outcomes could also offer directions for the translation of the resulting recommendations into digital tools and systems deemed necessary for the functioning of regulatory sandboxes (e.g. ensuring collaboration between different health authorities’ triage mechanisms, horizon scanning, fitness check evaluations), as relevant.

When developing a comprehensive and shared understanding of the value of regulatory sandboxes, applicants will have to explore key aspects across the life-cycle of healthcare innovations with the objective of accompanying their ultimate adoption, which could include as appropriate R&D, regulatory authorities, HTA bodies, payers, governments, clinicians and patients. Ethical considerations would also have to be considered as some innovations could trigger questions in this field. A shared objective should include to develop a regulatory strategy and interaction plan for generating appropriate evidence, enabling engagement across all the different decision makers in a timely manner (e.g. national competent authorities, EMA and the respective Innovation Task Force, qualification advice) and identifying aspects that can be leveraged by existing regulatory tools, as well as the limiting aspects and the flexibilities that would be required under a regulatory sandbox to achieve the timely development and access of healthcare innovations.

Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan

The maximum financial contribution from the IHI JU is up to €5.200.000.

The indicative in-kind and financial contribution from industry beneficiaries is €4.261.096.

Due to the global nature of the participating industry partners, it is anticipated that some elements of the contributions will be in-kind contributions to operational activities (IKOP) from those countries that are neither part of the EU nor associated to the Horizon Europe programme.

The allocation of the €100.000 financial contribution (FC) from industry beneficiaries will be decided by the full consortium at the second stage when preparing the full proposal.

The indicative in-kind contribution from industry beneficiaries may include in-kind contributions to additional activities (IKAA).

Thematic Categories

  • Health
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation

Eligibility for Participation

  • Legal Entities
  • Other Beneficiaries
  • Private Bodies
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions
  • State-owned Enterprises

Eligibility For Participation Notes

For details regarding the admissibility and eligibility conditions are described in Annex AAnnex B and Annex E of the Horizon Europe Work Programme General Annexes. Also the specific conditions are described in the ”Conditions of the Calls for proposals and Calls management rules” section of the IHI JU Work Programme 2024 (WP).

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


EU Contact Point

All questions regarding JU JU invitations should be directed to the following email: