NGI Mobifree is a pilot programme designed to push beyond the status quo of mobile software and create a virtuous cycle of innovation through free and open source software, libre hardware and open standards. Under this call, project proposals are invited to contribute to help reshape the state of play of mobile software and give European citizens and organisations more choice in, and access to, human-centred and ethical mobile software.
The following types of activities qualify for financial support, provided they are cost effective and have a clear link to the topics directly relevant to NGI Mobifree and the objectives set out in the call:
Project results must be made available under a free and open source license, so anyone can read and validate the source code, and anyone can use the code to create technology that fits their own purposes.
Applications are accepted for proposals requesting between €5.000 and €50.000. Once you have successfully completed a project you may apply for additional funding.
The maximum amount to be granted per third party over the lifetime of NGI Mobifree is €500.000.
Applications can be submitted by anyone that can bring a relevant contribution to the topics of NGI Mobifree, whether that is a natural person or an organisation of any type. Project proposals should be in line with the NGI vision and within the topic of trust and data sovereignty on the internet and deliver potential break-through contributions to the open internet.