Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking (EU-Rail) aims to deliver, via an integrated system approach, a high-capacity, flexible, multimodal, sustainable, reliable and integrated EU railway network for European passengers and cargo.
The 2023 Call for Proposals is structured around 6 topics under Destination 8.
Destination 8: Exploratory Research and other activities. EU-Rail promote forward looking activities, tackling disruptive technologies and thinking, performing exploratory research to accelerate the pace towards radical system innovations in the guided transport modes and supporting the evolution of the Innovation Programme in scope and targets.
Noise: The main objective of this work area is to improve EU noise mapping and to define relevant limit values that could potentially serve as a basis for upcoming revisions of the Technical Specifications for Interoperability on Noise.
Ground Vibrations: The main objective of this work area is to improve the prediction tools capabilities for holistic ground vibration impact.
The R&I work of this work area should contribute to/is expected to:
Ground Vibrations:
The R&I work of this work area is expected to provide tools:
Additionally, considering that existing TSIs do not cover vibration emissions from rolling stock, and in general there is no standardised procedure for vibration emissions measurement, the R&I work should deliver:
It is up to the applicant to identify the most appropriate R&I work-streams, taking into account the state of the art and previous R&I work – in particular in the context of Shift2Rail activities – for delivering upon all of the above expected outcome.
On-board measurements of the rail acoustic roughness –The research activities around this area should investigate an effective approach for optimised rail reprofiling processes that minimises nuisance to lineside residents and avoid high maintenance costs.
They should look at on-board measurement of rail acoustic roughness aiming at establishing harmonised technical European guidelines.
They should support the development of the necessary tools enabling the introduction of on-board measurement data for acoustic rail roughness, to support the optimisation of future re-profiling process by minimizing the noise impact of railways. The maintainability of the tool shall be addressed.
Rail optimisation for noise, vibrations, and life cycle costs –The research activities around this area should investigate how to integrate noise and vibration abatement methods into asset management plans, considering the impact on environmental and health conditions, to optimise the track system for LCC, noise and vibrations simultaneously.
The research action should deliver the necessary tools supporting the whole system optimisation for noise, vibrations and life cycle costs (LCC) on railway tracks. The maintainability of the tool shall be addressed.
Noise in curves:
Rolling noise is in many situations the major railway noise source. However, in urban areas, especially for tramway systems, curve noise is the dominating reason for noise complaints. Furthermore, current standards, e.g. ISO 3095/3381, and regulations, e.g. TSI Noise, only cover rolling noise in straight alignments. In order to improve prediction and to reduce noise, research activities around this area should look into:
Transposition and uncertainties of pass-by noise –Virtual or simplified acoustic certification of rolling stock needs to consider uncertainties regarding measurements and, therefore, research activities around this area should look into:
Ground vibrations Prediction Tool – The research activities should advance the state of the art, see Silvarstar public deliverables D1.1 , 1.3, 2.1 and D3.2 possibly based on existing prediction tools for ground vibration impact. In particular the following areas are in the scope of interest:
Prediction tool for ground vibration impact supporting urban areas (with tramways, metro, and light rail systems) and investigating excitation mechanisms in curves, switches and crossings as well as dedicated urban soil characteristics.
b. Integration into environmental impact assessment tools
Integration in the prediction tool of GIS data concerning track, soil and building data and further automated processing of large-scale projects should be part of the R&I activities. The research activities should consider the application of a user-friendly graphical user interface for the usage of the simulation and prediction tool, preferably with interfaces to commercial geographical information system (GIS) based software for noise and general environmental impact.
The tool shall provide enough open interfaces to enable the integration of further improvements and developments.
Expected EU contribution per project: €4 100 000
It is expected that 1 project will be funded under each topic.
The general admissibility and eligibility conditions are described in Annex A, Annex B, and Annex E of the Horizon Europe Work Programme General Annexes.
For additional information about the eligibility conditions and the special skills and/or capabilities expected from the applicant(s) under each call, please visit the description of the topic of your interest in the Europe’s Rail Work Programme 2023-2024 (the link can be found under the “Further information” section of this email).
Eligible costs will take the form of a lump sum as defined in the Decisions authorising the use of lump sum contributions under the Horizon Europe – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2021-2027) -and in actions under the Research and Training Programme of the European Atomic Energy Community (2021-2025).
Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking
Address: Avenue de la Toison d’Or 56-60/Gulden-Vlieslaan 56-60, 1060 Brussels, Belgium