Under the OCRE the call “OCRE EC Funded Cloud Adoption Tender (Research)”, has opened for the submission of proposals.
The OCRE consortium invites you to engage with an OCRE Cloud Framework holder in your country for a proposal and compete within the EU & UK lots of the OCRE Framework for the opportunity to get EC Cloud adoption funding awarded to your research project.
This mini-competition will provide all OCRE Cloud Framework holders within these lots/countries with an opportunity to get local research project(s) awarded through a ranking of all submitted proposals based on the procedure described below, up to the budget ceiling of the EC Cloud Adoption fund.
OCRE Cloud Framework holders can submit their proposal within their awarded EU & UK lots of the Framework and can be awarded maximum of EUR € 500,000,00 (excl. VAT) each of OCRE adoption funding in total. The proposal must describe research project(s) from within the OCRE R&E community of participating institutions, wherein the adoption and benefits of cloud services will be demonstrated.
How to get engaged:
The OCRE adoption funding programme will offer supplier/ researcher collaborations up to a maximum € 500,000.
Projects should not normally exceed 4 months (research project inception through OCRE project termination, after which the research project will continue to consume the awarding funding in terms of the adoption of cloud services).
All OCRE Cloud Framework holders who were awarded OCRE Framework contracts in the EU/UK lots in the 2020 tender process (www.ocre-project.eu/services/cloud-suppliers). The OCRE Cloud Framework holders are required to collaborate with research institutes in their countries to develop proposals describing compelling research projects which could demonstrate the significant benefits that commercial digital services bring to the researcher.
An OCRE Cloud Framework holder can submit a maximum of one (1) proposal per awarded lot within the EU and UK.
THE EU ECO-TANDEM CONSORTIUM: info@eu-ecotandem.eu
(Published date: 12/05/2022)