The European Defence Fund (EDF) is the Commission’s initiative to support collaborative defence research and development, and to foster an innovative and competitive defence industrial base.
The specific objective of this call topic is to develop a ‘dual-use by-design’ demonstrator of the space systems, sub-systems and related key technologies, ready for IOD/IOV, needed to address the abovementioned defence needs. The demonstrator has to be designed to be potentially operated by defence users through their military C2 ground segments in order to enable or perform on-orbit operations and services on their own satellites.
Given the evolving threat environment in Space, Defence users are likely to require tailored assets to conduct space-to-space operations in support of Space Domain Awareness, to protect and ensure the uninterrupted services of space systems used for defence applications, in particular to inspect, repair, update, maintain or deorbit military satellites. Although the European defence community recognises the strategic need for such capabilities in the medium term, no operational assets are currently available in the EU Member States’ and EDF Associated Countries’ armed forces to carry out such missions.
Building upon or integrating results from relevant civilian EU-funded actions, the EDF intends to remedy to this shortfall by addressing R&D actions paving the way to future capabilities for on-orbit operations and services for defence applications.
This call topic therefore aims to focus on:
Proposals must address a detailed technical feasibility analysis pointing out the operational benefits of space missions designed to perform space-to-space operations for defence applications and aiming at producing the related technology roadmaps and TRL maturation for selected key critical technologies.
Proposals must develop a demonstrator of these technologies ready to be launched and compatible with the CONOPS and performances described below.
With the aim to take advantage of technologies developed within other relevant EU-funded programmes, the proposals must substantiate synergies avoiding unnecessary duplication with civil space (see below) and highlight the potential cost benefits of those synergies, taking into account the performance and governance implications as well as potential improvements required by EU Member States’ and EDF Associated Countries’ Ministries of Defence.
The defence needs and associated CONOPS to be considered include:
In order to be eligible, all applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must cumulatively:
Consortium composition – For all topics under this call, proposals must be submitted by: minimum 3 independent applicants (beneficiaries; not affiliated entities) from 3 different eligible countries.
Ministry of Defense
Address: 172-174 Strovolos Avenue, 2048 Strovolos, Nicosia
Telephone: 22 807500
Department of Research and Innovation
Telephones: 22 807755, 22 807754
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