Actions will support the Parliament’s strategic engagement process in view of the European Elections 2024, including the growth of the community and the activation of other Parliament’s networks both at local and headquarters levels
The Directorate-General for Logistics and Interpretation for Conferences (DG LINC) of the European Parliament provides and manages interpretation services for all meetings organised by the European Parliament, as well as other institutions and bodies within the framework of inter-institutional cooperation. For this purpose, DG LINC collaborates with universities and organisations specialising in conference interpreter training to ensure the availability of a sufficient number of qualified conference interpreters to cover the service needs.
This topic focuses on the organisation of high-quality master, post-graduate courses or bachelor courses by Ukrainian universities with conference interpreting components.
To ensure the availability of a sufficient number of qualified conference interpreters having Ukrainian as “A” language, Directorate-General for Logistics and Interpretation for Conferences supports and assists in strengthening training programmes by providing professional and financial assistance. The aim of these activities is to help produce new generations of qualified conference interpreters having Ukrainian as “A” language who may, subsequently, be recruited by the EU institutions, and in particular by the European Parliament, as officials or as accredited conference interpreting agents.
Objective: As a provider of interpretation services in the European Parliament, and increasingly to other EU institutions and bodies, the mission of the Directorate-General for Logistics and Interpretation for Conferences is to ensure that a sufficient number of qualified conference interpreters having Ukrainian as “A” language are available to enable the EU institutions and bodies to function properly in a context of linguistic diversity including at regular events, all over the world, where wide language cover is required.
Under the principle of subsidiarity, Member States have the obligation to provide the necessary training. The European Parliament identifies the language combinations and skills that best match its needs, and assists universities in training high quality conference interpreters within these priority combinations.
The programme contributes to this mission by supporting the following actions in the field of interpretation:
Grant award criteria:
However, should a grant be awarded, certain agreed costs incurred by the beneficiary, before the signature of the agreement are eligible for co funding (e.g. aptitude tests, preparation of the course), if they are linked to the programme cycle of the study year to which the grant is referring, provided that they are included and accepted in the grant agreement. Costs incurred prior to the submission date of the application are not eligible for co-funding.
Eligible applicants:
Teaching establishments must be approved by their national authorities as public or private bodies charged with a public task of teaching and organising courses at master or postgraduate level in the field of conference interpreting. If the applicant is not a teaching establishment, its mission must nevertheless be related to the objectives of this programme and be recognised by the national authorities where it is established.
Applicants must be legally established in one of the Member States of the European Union, in one of the EFTA countries2 or in a candidate country for future membership of the European Union.
Applicants must ensure that none of the involved entities are subject to EU restrictive measures adopted under Article 29 of the Treaty on the European Union (TEU) or Article 215 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU). The prohibition applies throughout the whole performance of the Grant Agreement.
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