Actions will support the Parliament’s strategic engagement process in view of the European Elections 2024, including the growth of the community and the activation of other Parliament’s networks both at local and headquarters levels
The objective of the call is the organisation by two different organisers of local EYEs taking place over a weekend in two different EU Member States before the European elections in 2024.
The aim of a local EYE is to activate and inspire young people, and make them part of a conversation with European decision makers at the local level and pave the way for a long-lasting engagement.
It should bring the EP closer to young people in peripheral regions of Europe, promote European democracy and create a two-way communication, raising awareness on what the EP does for them as young people and at the same time collecting ideas and expectations of young people from the local and national levels on the future of Europe.
A local EYE is organised under the EYE spirit and branding, and designed to be accessible (for young people who cannot afford travelling to Strasbourg to the central EYE) and inclusive (local EYE in national languages). A local EYE is a stand-alone event. It should not be organised as a sub-event of a bigger event (e.g. local EYE as part of a bigger festival and reduced to a tent of the latter).
A local EYE should also offer a diverse range of activities to attract as many young people as possible, and should not be limited to a single type of activity (e.g. a Parliament simulation) in order to allow a diverse audience to take part and reach out to young people who are less likely to already be involved in EU actions. Activities should not all be organised by the beneficiary, but co-created together with other youth and civil society organisations as well as public entities at European, national, regional and local level. Co-creation of activities with the European Parliament is also to be planned. These activities can be complemented by European Parliament’s own initiatives.
A local EYE should, as much as possible, involve cross-border cooperation.
Co-financing shall take the form of reimbursement of up to 80% of eligible costs actually incurred by the beneficiary and its affiliated entities.
The actions supported under this call are mono-beneficiary actions. This means that there is one legal entity applying for a grant. Applications presented by consortia are not eligible.
To be eligible for a grant, applicants must be able to demonstrate that they are:
Non-eligible participants – The following entities are not eligible:
In line with the non-political affiliation criteria (see section 6.1), entities in which Members of the European Parliament hold executive functions on their administrative Board or any other executive body of their organisation, are ineligible under the call.
Affiliated entities are allowed under the following conditions:
Affiliated entities may take part in the action and declare eligible costs.
Affiliated entities are allowed on the condition that they satisfy the eligibility and non-exclusion criteria of an applicant.
Entities from all EU Member States are eligible.
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