Policy Experimentation – Digital Education


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

Erasmus+ Programme

Programme Description

Erasmus+ is the EU’s programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe.
Programme Details

Identifier Code



Policy Experimentation – Digital Education


Projects under Topic 1 can address different educational sectors or bridge educational sectors, and must support high quality and inclusive digital education, in line with the Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027.

Detailed Call Description

Proposals submitted under this topic must address one of the following priorities, and these are further explained below:

Priority 1: Building a teaching framework and policy intervention aiming to boost gender balance in pursuing ICT related studies and professions

Europe is facing a growing need for ICT specialists and especially female specialists who only represent 19% of the field. Supporting research on the key factors and actors influencing girls’ aspirations and mapping best practices across Europe could help developing and piloting of a more impactful and scalable policy intervention. In addition, a relevant teaching framework could support educators in primary and secondary schools with breaking patterns of harmful cultural barriers such as gender stereotypes and biases, often conveyed in language and visuals.

Priority 2: Digital well-being: Putting into practice what works

Well-being in digital education is an emerging policy area which addresses the effects of the digital technologies on the well-being of the school community. It is central for the mainstreaming of high-quality and inclusive digital education (i.e. digitally competent teachers, high quality digital content, effective pedagogy, access to devices etc.).

It is important to accompany the evolution of digital education through a holistic approach that responds to the challenges and takes advantage of the benefits of today’s digital world while safeguarding children’s and young people’s privacy, safety and mental health. Lastly, this policy situates well being in the broader digital education ecosystem and the complex nature of wellbeing in digital education is intertwined with the integration of digital technologies in learning, teaching and assessment.

Priority 3: Data literacy strategies in primary and secondary education

Data plays a crucial role in education as they provide valuable insights into student learning, helps educators make informed decisions, and drives continuous improvement in teaching and learning. Data are important in a number of key functions: assessment, personalisation, evaluation, decision-making and research.

Data literacy is the ability to critically understand, evaluate, create and communicate data as information, and it focuses on the competences involved in working with data.

This skill set and knowledge base provides many advantages.
Data literacy also gives teachers tools to improve their teaching, reduce their workload, connect better with individual students, and enables teachers to educate students in developing this skill.

Call Total Budget


Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan

The grant will be a lump-sum grant. The amount will be fixed by the granting authority on the basis of the estimated project budget and a funding rate of 80%.

Maximum grant amount per project: €1.000.000

Thematic Categories

  • Education and training
  • Information and Communication Technologies
  • Information Technology
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation

Eligibility for Participation

  • Educational Institutions
  • Legal Entities
  • Private Bodies
  • State-owned Enterprises
  • Training Centres

Eligibility For Participation Notes

In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must:

  • be legal entities (public or private bodies) active in the fields of education and training, research and innovation or in the world of work.
  • be established in one of the eligible countries, i.e.:
    • Erasmus+ Programme Countries:
    • EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories (OCTs)
    • non-EU countries:
  • listed EEA countries and countries associated to the Erasmus+ Programme (list of participating countries)
  • for higher education institutions (HEIs) established in Erasmus+ Programme Countries (see above): be holders of the ECHE certificate (Erasmus Charter for Higher Education).

Consortium composition

  • Proposals must be submitted by a consortium of at least 3 applicants (beneficiaries, not affiliated entities), from a minimum of 3 EU Member States or third countries associated to the Programme.
  • Affiliated entities and associated partners do not count towards the minimum eligibility criteria for the consortium composition, and can not be coordinator.

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


National Contact Point(s)

Foundation for the Management of European (EU) Lifelong Learning Programmes

Website: Erasmus+ – IDEP
Website with Contact details: Εpikoinonia – Erasmus+ – IDEP
Address: Prodromou & Dimitrakopoulou 2, Nicosia 1090, Cyprus
Τelephone: +357 22448888
Email: info@idep.org.cy

EU Contact Point

European Education and Culture Executive Agency: