Programmed biodegradation capability of bio-based materials and products, validated in specific environments


Programme Category

EU Competitive Programmes

Programme Name

Horizon Europe (2021-2027)

Programme Description

Horizon Europe is the European Union (EU) funding programme for the period 2021 – 2027, which targets the sectors of research and innovation. The programme’s budget is around € 95.5 billion, of which € 5.4 billion is from NextGenerationEU to stimulate recovery and strengthen the EU’s resilience in the future, and € 4.5 billion is additional aid.

Programme Details

Identifier Code

HORIZON-CL6-2024-CircBio-01-5 Grant


Programmed biodegradation capability of bio-based materials and products, validated in specific environments


Biodegradability of materials and products for targeted applications may offer viable end-of-life solutions in case of safe and sustainable biodegradation either in open environments or under controlled conditions, i.e., in composting plants and anaerobic digestors.

This topic is focused on the programmed biodegradation capability of bio-based materials and products, validated in specific environments.

Detailed Call Description

To deliver biodegradable bio-based solutions that address the global pollution challenges effectively, proposals should:

  • Analyse those cases of uncontrolled waste littering in the open environment, particularly of plastic waste leading to pollution from nano- and micro-plastics and other contaminants released by macro-plastics, and the corresponding safe bio-based applications where biodegradation in open environments could enable safe and sustainable end-of-life options, e.g., in humanitarian contexts[1] where waste management systems for collection, sorting and recycling are not feasible.
  • Select applications for biodegradable non-single-use/single-use bio-based materials and products. Such applications should include materials and products which are biodegradable in open environments in those cases of uncontrolled waste littering, as treated in the previous point, and/or other items that may bring some environmental benefits from being biodegradable, for example in cases where products and materials are contaminated from food or from other organic substances during their use;
  • Develop manufacturing technologies of such bio-based materials and products with targeted performances: i) decreased carbon footprint (based on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and on the increase of carbon removals) and environmental impacts of the production processes; ii) improved circular life extension through predictive maintenance, suitability to be safely re-used and re-manufactured, allowing for recycling, and programmed integrity/biodegradation in specific environments, depending on the application, either in controlled environment (i.e. aerobic digestion in composting plants, anaerobic digestion producing biogas) and in open environments, including in extreme environments in terms of physical conditions; iii) safe biodegradation in the specific environments as in point ii), especially considering the eco-toxicity and any impacts on natural ecosystems from biodegraded materials and from their additives and other components;
  • Use innovative and adapt existing AI-based and other digital solutions to optimise the circular lifecycle of products and make it more environmentally and economically sustainable;
  • Validate tests of biodegradability of bio-based materials designed for specific applications both in controlled and in open environments, e.g., soil and water, under ranges of physical/chemical conditions including extreme conditions. The tests should include the monitoring of the time-frame of partial up to full biodegradation and the environmental impacts in case of biodegradation in open environments, including eco-toxicity and any impacts on biodiversity;
  • Provide insights into the development of information and labelling systems to inform users on the most appropriate applications and on the correct use and end-of-life disposal options for the materials and products within the scope. Transparent information should aim at improving the societal acceptance of bio-based innovation and at supporting consumers and customers in making responsible and informed choices. Information should include the assessment of the risks and environmental impacts, including on ecosystems, from an uncontrolled disposal and from littering into the open environments;
  • Assess the overall economic feasibility of the manufacturing of the materials and products within the scope.

Call Total Budget

€8.00 million

Financing percentage by EU or other bodies / Level of Subsidy or Loan


EU Contribution per project: €4.00 million

Thematic Categories

  • Environment and Climate Change
  • Research, Technological Development and Innovation

Eligibility for Participation

  • Central Government
  • NGOs
  • Non Profit Organisations
  • Other Beneficiaries
  • Private Bodies
  • Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions
  • State-owned Enterprises
  • Training Centres

Call Opening Date


Call Closing Date


National Contact Point(s)

Research and Innovation Foundation

29a Andrea Michalakopoulou, 1075 Nicosia,
P.B. 23422, 1683 Nicosia
Telephone: +357 22205000
Fax: +357 22205001

Contact Persons:
Marcia Trillidou
Scientific Officer A’

Dr. Mary Economou
Scientific Officer

EU Contact Point

European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation